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Private car rental permit

Application for a private car rental permit

Private car rental is a commercial activity where individuals can offer for rent, usually for a short period of time, a personally owned vehicle subject to registration through a rental agency.

The process

  1. Apply for the permit at the Icelandic Transport Authority

  2. Fulfill the conditions for the permit

  3. Permit is issued

Supporting documents

It is important to submit all supporting documents with an application.

  • Certificate of Criminal Registration of a Guardian (Sakavottorð) -

  • Professional liability insurance from a recognized insurance company

  • If applicant or it´s representative has had a legal domicile registered in another country, a certificate from criminal record from the applicable country/countries has to be turned in with the application

  • Confirmation from the Tax Registry of Companies that the business operation has been registered applicably

  • Confirmation that debt with public fees, taxes with the collectors of the Treasury or contributions to a pension fund does not exceed ISK 500,000.

Processing of applications

  • The Icelandic Transport Authority issues a car rental permit when all conditions are met and payment has been received.

  • When a request for documents is not complete or the conditions are not met, the Icelandic Transport Authority notifies them by e-mail.


  • The cost of car rental permit is in accordance with the tariff of the Icelandic Transport Authority and is 92.576 ISK

  • Certificates and documents that need to be obtained from other institutions shall be paid for by the applicant.

Application for a private car rental permit