Persons who carry out commercial passenger transport (other than taxi driving) require a permit to operate. Passenger transport permit is granted for the following transport:
Commercial passenger transport on land with coaches
Cars that carry more than 9 passengers
Commercial passenger transport on land with specially equipped cars
Cars registered as off-road vehicles (and have a tire size of at least 780 mm diameter) for 8 or less passengers
Commercial passenger transport on land in relation to tourism
Cars that have not been modified and are registered for 8 or less passengers. A permit from the Icelandic Tourist Board must be available
The process
Attend a course from the Mjódd Driving School
Submit all documents with the Icelandic Transport Authority
Fulfill the conditions for the permit
Cars that will be used in transporting passengers will be registered in the usage category Atvinnurekstur (RL)
The passenger transport permit is issued for five years or on a temporary basis until the course has been completed
Supporting documents
It is important to submit all supporting documents with the application.
Annual financial statement or certified tax return of the applicant on satisfactory financial position. It is an option in the application for applicants to request that The Icelandic Transport Authority retrieves the annual financial statement from the company registrar of the Iceland Revenue and Customs (This only applies for companies, not individuals)
Confirmation that public fees are not in arrears - or Skatturinn
Certificate of Criminal Registration for the responsible person (Sakavottorð) -
If applicant has had a legal domicile registered in another country, a certificate from criminal record from the applicable country/countries has to be turned in with the application
List of vehicle numbers to be operated
Applicants must have registered the business operation applicably with the Iceland Revenue and Customs and the registration must be classified in relation to passenger transport in some way.
Passenger transport in connection with tourism for unmodified cars for 8 passengers or fewer: Applicable license from the Icelandic Tourist Board (Ferðamálastofa) must be available and each trip must be at least half a day.
Further information on supporting documents is available under conditions.
Processing of applications
The Icelandic Transport Authority issues a five-year permit when all conditions are fulfilled and payment has been received
When data is missing with an application or conditions are not fulfilled, the Icelandic Transport Authority shall inform the applicant by e-mail
Permit is granted for up to 15 working days
The cost of a passenger transport permit according to the tariff of the Icelandic Transport Authority and is 13.934 ISK
The cost of a permit holder's course is subject to the driving school tariff
Certificates and documents to be obtained from other institutions shall be paid for by the applicant.

Service provider
The Icelandic Transport Authority