Passenger transport permit
Conditions for passenger transport permit
The conditions for passenger transport permit are as follows:
Applicants must have a satisfactory financial standing, which is based on the number of vehicles. The applicant must have equity and funds equivalent to at least ISK 1.318.500 for the first vehicle and ISK 732.500 for each vehicle in excess of that. The annual financial statement or certified tax return of the applicant are sufficient data to demonstrate the equity position of the applicant.
Courses for permit applicants or holders are held at the Driving School in Mjódd. The courses are held twice a year, but provisional permits are granted for up to one year so that applicants have the opportunity to attend courses within that time.
The responsible person of the permit must produce a criminal record, which is available on (Sakavottorð).
The legal domicile of the responsible person has to be registered within the European Economic Area.
It must be demonstrated that applicants are not in arrears of public fees with either the state or municipal collectors.
The applicant must have registered the business with the company registration with an applicable classification of the operations that are connected with the industry in some way.
The applicant must report the registration number of the car(s) involved in the operation.
When applying for a permit in connection with tourism activities, applicants must have a travel agent's permit from the Icelandic Tourist Board.

Service provider
The Icelandic Transport Authority