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The Í App

Registration of the responsible person of X-ray equipment or radioactive materials

The responsible person must be appointed and approved before the permits for radioactive or radioactive materials are granted.

New responsible person must also be appointed if the approved responsible person leaves.


Generally, it is assumed that controllers have theoretical knowledge and training to use the equipment for which they are responsible.

An exception may be made to this if it is demonstrated that the knowledge and training of the operators of the equipment is adequate.


The Icelandic Radiation Safety Authority regularly organises courses for the responsible parties.


If a place is new, the charge is due to new permits.

If the responsible person is being changed, there is a charge for updating and reissued licenses.

See tariff

Icelandic Radiation Safety Authoroty

Contact us

Telephone: 440 8200


Opening hours

All weekdays from 9 to 12 and 13 to 15


Rauðarárstígur 10

105 Reykjavík

ID number: 540286-1169