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The Í App

Export of radioactive materials

Export of radioactive substances is subject to authorisation from the Icelandic Radiation Safety Authority.

Transport operator or user of radioactive material applies for an export licence.

Attachment data

Before applying:

  • confirmation of the external radioactive source, company name, name and email address of the contact person

  • information concerning the transmission, e.g. name of company, name and email address of a contact person

  • detailed information on the substance, e.g. nucleus type, function and packaging

  • information on devices containing the radioactive substance, if applicable

Processing time for application

The processing time is generally two weeks from the time all necessary data have been received.

If data is lacking, it is called for by email.

Icelandic Radiation Safety Authoroty

Contact us

Telephone: 440 8200


Opening hours

All weekdays from 9 to 12 and 13 to 15


Rauðarárstígur 10

105 Reykjavík

ID number: 540286-1169