Health insurance for pre-established medical treatment abroad
Generally on procedures for medical treatment abroad
The specialists of Iceland Health will assess whether the conditions for medical treatment abroad are fulfilled.
A person insured by health insurance who intends to travel abroad for medical treatment must consider a number of things before starting. It is necessary to examine under which policy area the medical treatment in question is classified, what conditions must be fulfilled and what documents must be submitted.
If necessary healthcare is not available in Iceland, but the health insured are in urgent need of it, their doctor will apply to the Iceland Health and the application will be a “siglinganefndarmál”. If approved, treatment costs, travel and maintenance costs are paid along with the costs of professional accompanying or other accompanying care that a doctor certifies is necessary, see regulation no. 712/2010.
If necessary healthcare services are not provided in Iceland within a medically justified time limit, taking into account the current health status of the insured person and the probable progress of the disease cf. Article 20 of EC Regulation No. 883/2004, cf. Article 20 of national Regulation No. 442/2012, which is in force in Iceland since May 2012, the physician of the insured person must confirm the waiting period on the application form and the application becomes a “waiver case”. If it is approved, treatment costs are paid.
Healthcare services across borders within the EEA country. The European Union Directive on Healthcare Services across borders, known as the "border directive" on the right of patients to seek healthcare in other EEA countries and receive reimbursement of expenses incurred in response to the provision of the corresponding services in Iceland, has been implemented in Iceland. The law came into force on 1 June 2016. It is based on the European Union Directive no. 2011/24/EU.
Procedure and roles only available in Icelandic.

Service provider
Iceland Health