Here you can find an overview of the main fees at the Icelandic Transport Authority:
Ownership - 2.455 ISK
Road safety fee (to be paid in parallel with the change of ownership) - 500 ISK
Registration / deregistration of vehicle co-owner - 1.222 ISK
Registration of keeper - 1.222 ISK
Revocation of keeper - 578 ISK
Vehicle change registration - 594 ISK
Registration of claims - 1.103 ISK
New vehicle registration - 6.002 ISK
Storage fee - 1.153 ISK
Private label registration - 558 ISK
Private label rights fee - 54.000 ISK
Private label renewal - 54.000 ISK
Accelerated registration plate fee - 3.228 ISK
Registration number 1 piece. - 6.616 ISK
Registration certificate with sending cost - 949 ISK
Registration certificate - 594 ISK
Registration of a vintage number plate - 558 ISK
Taxi driver permit - 8.240 kr.
Taxi driver permit, annual fee - 8.240 kr.
Taxi operating permit - 16.480 kr.
Taxi operating permit, annual fee - 16.480 kr.
Taxi licence (card) - 5.150 kr.
Permit for passengers and freight transport - 16.628 kr.
Permit for passengers and freight transport, annual fee - 16.628 kr.
Car rental permit - 138.865 kr.
Private car rental permit - 92.576 kr.
Certificate of taxi operating permit for purchase of a car - 2.976 kr.
Specific exemption v. size and weight of vehicles (more than 10 axles, annual exemptions, foreign vehicles, houses and large transports with police escort) - 8.633 kr.
Tachograph cards - 19.653 kr.
Tachograph cards with transmission - 20.936 kr.
CPL theoretical examination (each subject) - 6.261 kr.
PPL theoretical examination (each subject) - 4.428 kr.
Test exhibition - 646 kr.
Commercial pilot licence (CPL/ATPL) and aircraft maintenance licence (PART-66) - 13.040 kr.
PPL - 8.439 kr.
Change in older registration/name change of aircraft - 7.888 ISK
Registration fee (individuals): 5.665 ISK (valid for 5 years)
Registration fee (legal entities): 7.210 ISK (valid for 5 years)
Exam fee and certificate (A1/A3): 0 ISK (online course and test)
Exam fee and certificate (A2): 7.210 ISK (online course and in-person test)
Certificate for theoretical STS training: 10.300 ISK
Declaration for STS-01 (first issue): 21.939 ISK
Annual oversight fee for STS-01: 10.918 ISK
Declaration for STS-02 (first issue): 21.939 ISK
Annual oversight fee for STS-02: 10.918 ISK
Operational Authorization (SORA/PDRA process): Hourly rate 17.737 ISKas per Annex I, Article 1(a).
Operational Authorization (SORA/PDRA process) – annual oversight fee: 21.939 ISK
LUC operational license (first issue): 437.750 ISK
Annual oversight fee for LUC operational license: 262.650 ISK
Maritime services - main fees
Access to the register - annual fee - 44.084 kr.
Access to the register of vessels - users in excess of one - an annual fee of 7.715 kr.
Letter of recommendation - 9.845 kr.
Icelandic survey certificates and registrations (ships up to 15 metres) - 9.608 kr.
Certified copy of instrument of measurement, certificate - 1.898 kr.
Patents on ship name - 48.631 kr.
Ship deregistration - 6.406 kr.
Annual fee for access to the system of legal registration (pr. user, pr. ship) - 4.744 kr.
Legal registration of a seaman (registered by the SGS, pr. registration) - 1.068 kr.
Issuance of the Passenger and Cargo Ship Safety Manning Certificate - 16.250 kr.
Certificate of competence - 6.169 kr.
Nationality card - 15.895 kr.
Ships passenger licence (seagoing certificate included) - 15.777 kr.
Ships passenger licence (seagoing certificate not included) - 13.166 kr.
Certificate of captain of a recreational craft - 5.101 kr.
Waiver requested for employment on passenger, transport, fishing and other vessels (up to 6 months) - 8.185 kr.
STCW Certificate of competency for passenger and cargo ships, issue and renewal - 13.416 kr.
Endorsement of STCW certificates - 13.416 kr.
Certificates of competency of fishing vessels, issue and renewal - 10.558 kr.
Book of voyage, publication and renewal - 19.572 kr.
Certificates of the port facility security officer and port facility security officer / Company - 10.558 kr.
Certificates of the ship security officer - 13.416 kr.
Deadline for safety education - 3.322 kr.
Courses for port guards - 24.198 kr.
Courses for security officers - 80.984 kr.
The tariff of the Icelandic Transport Authority, 1618/2024 (tariff pdf)
Previous tariffs
Previous tariffs by the Icelandic Transport Authority: 485/2017, 745/2018, 220/2020, 895/2022, 1616/2023.