The Icelandic Transport Authority issues electronic invoices and payment notes are sent to the home bank.
Here you can find an overview of the main fees at the Icelandic Transport Authority (click on the pluses in order to see the tables):
Ownership - 2.455 ISK
Road safety fee (to be paid in parallel with the change of ownership) - 500 ISK
Registration / deregistration of vehicle co-owner - 1.222 ISK
Registration of keeper - 1.222 ISK
Revocation of keeper - 578 ISK
Vehicle change registration - 594 ISK
Registration of claims - 1.103 ISK
New vehicle registration - 6.002 ISK
Storage fee - 1.153 ISK
Private label registration - 558 ISK
Private label rights fee - 54.000 ISK
Private label renewal - 54.000 ISK
Accelerated registration plate fee - 3.228 ISK
Registration number 1 piece. - 6.616 ISK
Registration certificate with sending cost - 949 ISK
Registration certificate - 594 ISK
Registration of a vintage number plate - 558 ISK
Taxi driver permit - 8.240 kr.
Taxi driver permit, annual fee - 8.240 kr.
Taxi operating permit - 16.480 kr.
Taxi operating permit, annual fee - 16.480 kr.
Taxi licence (card) - 5.150 kr.
Permit for passengers and freight transport - 16.628 kr.
Permit for passengers and freight transport, annual fee - 16.628 kr.
Car rental permit - 138.865 kr.
Private car rental permit - 92.576 kr.
Certificate of taxi operating permit for purchase of a car - 2.976 kr.
Specific exemption v. size and weight of vehicles (more than 10 axles, annual exemptions, foreign vehicles, houses and large transports with police escort) - 8.633 kr.
Tachograph cards - 19.653 kr.
Tachograph cards with transmission - 20.936 kr.
CPL theoretical examination (each subject) - 6.261 kr.
PPL theoretical examination (each subject) - 4.428 kr.
Test exhibition - 646 kr.
Commercial pilot licence (CPL/ATPL) and aircraft maintenance licence (PART-66) - 13.040 kr.
PPL - 8.439 kr.
Change in older registration/name change of aircraft - 7.888 ISK
Registration fee (individuals): 5.665 ISK (valid for 5 years)
Registration fee (legal entities): 7.210 ISK (valid for 5 years)
Exam fee and certificate (A1/A3): 0 ISK (online course and test)
Exam fee and certificate (A2): 7.210 ISK (online course and in-person test)
Certificate for theoretical STS training: 10.300 ISK
Declaration for STS-01 (first issue): 21.939 ISK
Annual oversight fee for STS-01: 10.918 ISK
Declaration for STS-02 (first issue): 21.939 ISK
Annual oversight fee for STS-02: 10.918 ISK
Operational Authorization (SORA/PDRA process): Hourly rate 17.737 ISKas per Annex I, Article 1(a).
Operational Authorization (SORA/PDRA process) – annual oversight fee: 21.939 ISK
LUC operational license (first issue): 437.750 ISK
Annual oversight fee for LUC operational license: 262.650 ISK
Maritime services - main fees
Access to the register - annual fee - 44.084 kr.
Access to the register of vessels - users in excess of one - an annual fee of 7.715 kr.
Letter of recommendation - 9.845 kr.
Icelandic survey certificates and registrations (ships up to 15 metres) - 9.608 kr.
Certified copy of instrument of measurement, certificate - 1.898 kr.
Patents on ship name - 48.631 kr.
Ship deregistration - 6.406 kr.
Annual fee for access to the system of legal registration (pr. user, pr. ship) - 4.744 kr.
Legal registration of a seaman (registered by the SGS, pr. registration) - 1.068 kr.
Issuance of the Passenger and Cargo Ship Safety Manning Certificate - 16.250 kr.
Certificate of competence - 6.169 kr.
Nationality card - 15.895 kr.
Ships passenger licence (seagoing certificate included) - 15.777 kr.
Ships passenger licence (seagoing certificate not included) - 13.166 kr.
Certificate of captain of a recreational craft - 5.101 kr.
Waiver requested for employment on passenger, transport, fishing and other vessels (up to 6 months) - 8.185 kr.
STCW Certificate of competency for passenger and cargo ships, issue and renewal - 13.416 kr.
Endorsement of STCW certificates - 13.416 kr.
Certificates of competency of fishing vessels, issue and renewal - 10.558 kr.
Book of voyage, publication and renewal - 19.572 kr.
Certificates of the port facility security officer and port facility security officer / Company - 10.558 kr.
Certificates of the ship security officer - 13.416 kr.
Deadline for safety education - 3.322 kr.
Courses for port guards - 24.198 kr.
Courses for security officers - 80.984 kr.
The tariff of the Icelandic Transport Authority, 1616/2023 (tariff.pdf).
Previous tariffs
Previous tariffs by the Icelandic Transport Agency: 485/2017, 745/2018, 220/2020, 895/2022