Amendments to the invalidity and rehabilitation pension scheme
Extensive changes to the disability and rehabilitation pension scheme will take effect on 1. September 2025. New disability and part-disability pensions will be introduced, new sickness and rehabilitation payments and a new activation grant will be introduced.
An individual who have a disability assessment valid until 31. July 2025 or less must undergo a standard re-assessment under the current system if they need a continued disability pension. Applications must be submitted by 1. September 2025.
An individual with a disability assessment valid until 31. August 2025 or more will transfer to a new system and will receive permanent rights to disability pensions.
Applications for disability pensions received up until 31. August 2025 will be processed according to the current system.
In the lead up to the changes, the Social Insurance Administration will inform individuals with disability assessments about their individual status and what needs to be done to make the transition to a new system work as best as possible.

Calculator for disability and rehabilitation payments after September 1st, 2025
In the new system calculator, you can put in different assumptions and see how it affects your potential payments after September 1st, 2025.
New disability pension system
In the new system, there are fewer payment categories, income ties are reduced and there is an increased incentive for employment. Find out about the main changes to the disability pension system.