The public and stakeholders
This website uses automatic translation for English content, which may not fully capture the original meaning. For complete accuracy, refer to the Icelandic version, which is the official source.
One of the objectives of environmental assessment of projects is to ensure public participation in environmental assessment and cooperation between stakeholders.
Effective public and stakeholder consultations from the beginning of the environmental assessment process may:
A greater level of reconciliation on the project.
Return useful information to the evaluation process, e.g. from local people who often have good local knowledge of the environment and conditions. This knowledge can be used in the design of a project and in evaluating its environmental impact.
More about how you can influence the process in icelandic in skipulag byggðar og mótun umhverfis (pdf).
Who can give comments and what happens to them?
All can provide comments and express their views on the project and its environmental assessment. Comments received during the presentation of the evaluation plan and the environmental assessment report are part of the data that the Agency considers when it prepares its opinion on the evaluation plan and environmental assessment of the project.