Marine planning

This website uses automatic translation for English content, which may not fully capture the original meaning. For complete accuracy, refer to the Icelandic version, which is the official source.

Planning in progress
In the action plan for the revised national planning policy, it is proposed to start work on coastal zone planning for Eyjafjörður and Skjálfanda.
Grundvöllur strandsvæðisskipulags er lagður í landsskipulagsstefnu, sem skýrir á hvaða svæðum eigi að vinna strandsvæðisskipulag.

Planning of ocean and coastal areas
is twofold.
The government's policy on the planning of ocean and coastal areas
Coastal zone planning where a more detailed strategy is formulated based on the conditions at each location
News and issues in presentation
New website for the Icelandic National Planning Agency
Coastal Plan of the Eastern Seaboard approved by the Regional Council (1)
The proposal for a coastal area plan in the Eastfjords, which develops a policy for the exploitation and protection of the coastal areas of the Eastfjords, was advertised for public presentation in accordance with Article 12 of the Law on the Planning of the Sea and Coastal Regions no. 88/2018 and the presentation period of the proposal was from 15 June - 15 September.