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National Planning Agency Frontpage
National Planning Agency Frontpage

National Planning Agency

Planning and design of urban spaces

This website uses automatic translation for English content, which may not fully capture the original meaning. For complete accuracy, refer to the Icelandic version, which is the official source.

Careful planning and design of urban spaces is an important factor in promoting sustainable development and quality of life. By integrating good urban and environmentally friendly transportation, attractive environments for living and working can be developed and at the same time climate benefits can be achieved.

Human life, settlement and urban space

The publication Human Life, Settlement and Urban Space - Guidelines on Sustainable Urban Planning and Transportation is intended to be a guide to that path, to guide and support those involved in planning.


The guidelines are a cooperative project between the Icelandic Regional Planning Agency and the Association of Municipalities in the Capital Area (SSH) and are part of the development of a policy in this area, which is reflected in the national planning policy and regional planning of the capital area.

Here you can find the full web-based edition of the publication, or click on certain sections.

In Icelandic:

1. Landnotkun

2. Þéttleiki og gæði byggðar

3. Vistvænar samgöngur

4. Almenningsrými og græn svæði


Here you can access the illustrations set out in the instructions. The illustrations can be used at will in presentations or materials related to the planning and design of town spaces. References need to be mentioned when using them.

In Icelandic:

Skýringamyndir (.zip skrá)

National Planning Agency

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Phone number 595 4100

Opening hours

Monday to Thursday: 9 to 4
Fridays: 9 to 1

Borg­ar­túni 7b

Borgartúni 7b
105 Reykjavík

National Id: 590269 - 5149

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