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National Planning Agency Frontpage
National Planning Agency Frontpage

National Planning Agency

Digital planning and spatial information

This website uses automatic translation for English content, which may not fully capture the original meaning. For complete accuracy, refer to the Icelandic version, which is the official source.

The Icelandic National Planning Agency manages the development and implementation of digital planning and geographic databases on planning in maritime and coastal areas and environmental impact assessment, as well as the development and operation of the Planning Portal, Planning Webbed and web-based project for digital planning.

Below you can access various organizational data in a spatial information form maintained by the Icelandic National Planning Agency, as well as information on other parties’ data that is useful in planning.

Digital planning

According to this, the master plan and subdivision plan must be processed in digital form. This also applies to coastal area planning according to this. This means that the planning subtotals are processed in a coordinated manner in a spatial information system. Digital planning is an addition to other traditional planning data such as subtotals and submissions. The confirmed and signed master plan and subdivision plan is, as before, the final authority.

Here you can access web browsers and various spatial information data, as well as instructions for creating a digital organisation:

Other data

Other geographical data that the National Planning Agency manages and data from other parties that can be used for planning can be accessed here.

Other parties' data

Digital public sector spatial information data can be accessed here. Among the data that are useful for planning are:

  • Proclaimed areas - Part B of the Natural Heritage List - Waterfront - Water fields

  • Vatnsverndarsvæði

  • Archaeological record

  • Municipal boundaries

  • Residence card

  • Mapping of agricultural land

  • Framework Programme

National Planning Agency

Contact us

Phone number 595 4100

Opening hours

Monday to Thursday: 9 to 4
Fridays: 9 to 1

Borg­ar­túni 7b

Borgartúni 7b
105 Reykjavík

National Id: 590269 - 5149

Social media
