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Iceland Health Frontpage
Iceland Health Frontpage

Iceland Health

Personal Data Protection and data sharing

Elsa Gísladóttir is IHI´s data protection officer (DPO). You can contact our DPO by email: or by phone: +345 515 0000.

If you intend to send documents with personal data, or other sensitive information to our DPO you should send them through our secure web-portals on.

  • ·For individuals choose RéttindagáttSenda skjöl til SÍ (send documents to IHI), Rafræn skil á skrá (electronic files),Tegund skila (type of documents): Persónuvernd og beiðnir um aðgengi að gögnum. 

  •  For health providers, agents and others choose Gagnagátt. Skjalaskil (send documents to IHI), Rafræn skil á skrá (electronic files), Tegund skila (type of documents): Persónuvernd.

More information about the processing of personal data by IHI and data protection can be found in IHI Privacy Policy for individuals.