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Iceland Health Frontpage
Iceland Health Frontpage

Iceland Health

Iceland Health Gagnagátt

Gagnagátt is a "my page" for healthcare practitioners and operators that are in business with Iceland Health.

  1. The portal has two parts.

    • Business information. Information on transactions between operators and Iceland Health, such as payment documents and statements of various kinds in connection with payments. Access is granted to all operators that are in business with Iceland Health. Access is only provided through the organization ID.

    • Information on patients' rights and administration. This consists of the publication of patients' rights status, applications, certificates and various patient-related information. Access is granted to healthcare practitioners and their employees. Access is only provided through the healthcare practitioner's own ID number.

  2. Access to Gagnagátt:
    The following parties have access to information in Gagnagátt:

    • Data protection officers. Gagnagátt may be accessed by the Data Protection Officers of operators and/or healthcare institutions to send sensitive documents to Iceland Health and receive such documents through the portal. If these solutions are available, the Data Protection Officer has to send a request to

    • The operator (organisations) is granted commercial access through a new registration of an identity number.

    • A healthcare practitioner shall have access to his/her rights status and be in charge of the registration of his/her own personal identification number. A healthcare practitioner who is in business with Iceland Health in his/her own personal identification number shall have access to the business section and the rights section of Gagnagátt.

    • Healthcare workers. An operator or healthcare provider may grant an employee (e.g. an employee on remand or in accounting) access to Gagnagátt and allocate access to information, cf. point I. The allocation function is located within the portal under the Access Allocation category. Employee access is the responsibility of the relevant access provider under a contract with Iceland Health. The employee signs a special declaration of confidentiality.

  3. The dissemination of information and data to Iceland Health
    Iceland Health places great emphasis on the dissemination of data and other communication through the Service Portal of the Administration, i.e. Gagnagátt, cf. Article 50 of Act no. 112/2008. The safest way for Iceland Health customers to send requests, applications and other data is through the Service Portal, as well as receiving data from the Agency.

    Healthcare providers and other operators may send documents and requests through the Agency/organisation data portal and receive data.

    Data protection officers can have special access to Gagnagátt to send documents and requests to the Health Insurance Administration and receive data.

Business information

Rights status and administration



Healthcare practitioner (may also be an operator)


Healthcare practitioner (working under the authority of the operator or healthcare practitioner)