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Directorate of Labour Frontpage

Directorate of Labour

Equality policy; Equality programme.

Purpose and objectives

The purpose and objectives of the gender equality policy of VMST is to promote gender equality in accordance with the Act on equal status and equal rights of the sexes no. 150/2020, including equal pay for the same or equally valuable work, so that no gender-based wage difference exists at the institution. The gender equality policy of VMST shall also take into account the Act on equal treatment on the labour market no. 86/2018, but according to Article 7 of the Act on equal treatment on the labour market no. 86/2018, companies and institutions shall ensure equal treatment on the labour market to their employees, regardless of race, national origin, religion, life opinion, disability, reduced work capacity, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender characteristics and gender expression.


The policy covers all employees of VMST.

Equality and equal pay policy of the Directorate of Labour

VMST emphasizes gender equality and equal use of the strengths of women and men and people with a neutral gender registration so that the talents and skills of all the institution's human resources are utilised to the best of their abilities and this is documented by this policy. The policy of VMST is to be a workplace where every individual is valued according to their competence and performance. Also that staff have equal opportunities to take responsibility and perform tasks regardless of gender, race, ethnic origin, religion, life opinion, disability, reduced work capacity, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender characteristics or gender expression. VMST undertakes to work on gender equality issues, take initiatives in them and thus show social responsibility. VMST follows laws, regulations and agreements that concern gender equality issues and are valid at all times.

The main goals of equality at VMST are:

• VMST pays equal pay and equal conditions for equal or equally valuable work to women and men and people with a neutral gender registration in the National Registry. A special equal pay policy and action plan has been established aimed at the institution receiving and maintaining equal pay certification according to the equal pay standard ÍST 85.
• VMST is a workplace where people regardless of race, ethnic origin, religion, life view, disability, reduced work capacity, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender characteristics and gender expression receive equal pay and enjoy equal conditions for equal or equally valuable work.
• VMST is a workplace where free jobs are open to all regardless of gender, race, ethnic origin, religion, life view, disability, reduced work capacity, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender characteristics or gender expression.
• Vocational training, retraining and continuing education shall be available to all VMST staff.
• VMST is a family-friendly workplace where staff can reconcile work and private life.
• VMST is a workplace where gender-based violence, gender-based or sexual harassment or bullying does not persist.


VMST pays equal pay and equal conditions for equal or equally valuable work for women, men and people with a neutral gender registration.

The decision of wages is based on a basic ranking according to an institutional agreement, based on a job evaluation, and a personal assessment of competence and performance, and thus ensures that employees are not discriminated on the basis of gender. This applies to all the terms of employment and rights that will be evaluated financially.




Review the job description of the categories of work.

Before the end of August each year.

Human Resources Manager.

Do a salary analysis at least annually.

Before the end of August each year.

Human Resource Manager

Adjust wages if there is a difference in wage analysis that cannot be explained by other factors than gender.

If there is an individual, immediately after the salary analysis. If there is a group, then during the budgeting process.

Human Resources Manager.

VMST is a workplace where people regardless of race, ethnic origin, religion, outlook on life, disability, reduced work ability, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender characteristics and gender expression receive equal pay and enjoy equal benefits for equal or equally valuable work..




Review the job description of the categories of work.

Before the end of August each year.

Human Resources Manager.

Do a salary analysis at least annually.

Before the end of August each year.

Human Resource Manager

Adjust wages if differences in wage analysis are found that cannot be explained by other factors than race, ethnicity, religion etc.

If there is an individual, immediately after the salary analysis. If there is a group, then during the budgeting process.

Human Resources Manager.

VMST is a workplace where available jobs are open to all regardless of gender, race, ethnic origin, religion, life opinion, disability, reduced work ability, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender characteristics or gender expression.

Employees have equal opportunities to develop in their work, regardless of gender, race, ethnic origin, religion, life opinion, disability, reduced work ability, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender characteristics or gender expression. The aim is to have a gender balance and that jobs are not classified as special men's or women's jobs. Equality considerations are evaluated equally with other important considerations that influence decisions on moving and progressing in the work. Job advertisements generally do not identify jobs as gender-specific and make sure they appeal to all who might be interested in the relevant job.




Vacancies at the Directorate of Labour are advertised in accordance with the laws and regulations therein.

When the Council is on the loose.

Human Resources Manager.

The work of the Council should be based on gender equality and broader diversity.

When it comes to hiring and position awards.

Human resources manager and officers involved in recruitment at any given time.

Vocational training, refresher training and continuing education shall be accessible to all VMST staff

Vocational training, retraining and continuing education should be accessible to all staff. Efforts should be made to create a work environment that promotes the mental and physical well-being of employees.




The annual participation in the retraining and vocational training of employees in comparable jobs should be analysed and action should be taken if a group is affected.

Before the end of August each year.

Human Resources Manager.

Seek explanations and respond if differences between groups are found.

Before the end of August each year.

Human Resources Manager.

Interviews with employees about career development in a series of interviews.

In early September each year

Next Chief Executive Officer

VMST is a family friendly workplace where employees can work and work together.

Emphasis is placed on creating flexibility so that employees can work and privacy without compromising service to those who use VMST services. According to the telework policy of VMST, the main rule is that employees can work one day a week in telework if they wish.




Employees shall have the possibility of flexible working hours where possible. The possibility of flexible working hours is mentioned in the employment notice.

Bosses seek ways to meet the needs of staff for flexibility without compromising the service of service recipients.

Directors of the field and other officers.

Both parents should have the opportunity to exercise the rights they have regarding parental and maternity leave and sick leave for children.

A presentation of the duties and rights of expectant parents towards the workplace before the end of February each year.

Directors of the field and other officers.

Employees have the possibility to work in part-time where possible.

Bosses seek ways to meet the needs of staff for flexibility without compromising the service of service recipients.

Directors of the field and other officers.

VMST is a workplace where gender-based violence, sexual harassment and bullying do not persist.

Emphasis is placed on the well-being of employees and good morale at VMST. All employees have the right to be treated with respect and that they are not subject to sexual or gender-based harassment, bullying or other kinds of violence. At VMST there is a clear policy on issues related to bullying, gender-based violence, sexual harassment and sexual harassment where staff are made clear about the channels and progress of such matters. If it is shown that bullying, gender-based violence, sexual harassment and/or sexual harassment has occurred, it is addressed in a formal manner and the process can end with dismissal from the job.




Introduce the Administration's bullying policy. Employees are informed about the main work processes and are informed where to go.

In early September every year.

Managing director, directors of departments and other senior officers

Follow-up and review

The human resources manager is responsible for documenting, implementing and implementing the policy as well as ensuring that the policy and equal pay strategy is maintained, reviewed and revised annually by the departmental board. He is also responsible for conducting an annual review of the effectiveness of the equal pay system and for taking action if necessary. All the managers of VMST commit to the implementation of the policy and are jointly responsible for maintaining continuous improvements in all aspects of the equal pay policy.

This equality programme is valid for three years, or until 21.10.2027.