Applications and forms
Registration for job search (electronic application)
Scholarship application (pdf)(in Icelandic)
Application for relocation grant (pdf)(in Icelandic)
School certificate (pdf)(in Icelandic)
Occupational rehabilitation
Attachment 1 with the contract on work-related rehabilitation (pdf)
Supporting documents
Maternity and paternity leave
General application for maternity or paternity leave (electronic)
Waiver of the transferable right to maternity leave (electronic)
Organisation of leave
Use of personal discount
Request to use personal discount (electronic)
- for doctors
Medical certificate for extending maternity leave due to mother's illness (doc)
Medical Certificate for extending maternity leave due to a child's illness (doc)
- for employers
Birth grant
Application for birth grant (electronic)
Access rights
Confirmation of parental visitation rights (electronic)
Bereavement leave and grant
Application for payments for bereavement leave (electronic)
Notification on bereavement leave arrangements (pdf)
Application for payments for bereavement grant (electronic)
Unpaid parental leave
Notification of parental leave (doc)
Changes in parental leave arrangements (doc)
Contract of employment (pdf)
Confirmation of employment via My Pages (electronic)
Application for a recruitment grant via My Pages (electronic)
Holiday pay claim (in Icelandic)(pdf)
Grant power of attorney (pdf)(in Icelandic)
Request for access to data (pdf)(in Icelandic)
Statement regarding not starting a business / accepting work as a contractor