The Í App
30th June 2023
Drones will be used for monitoring by the Directorate of Fisheries in July we would like to ask fishermen to keep in mind that all recordings are carefully examined and fish that goes overboard is species analyzed.
28th June 2023
The Directorate of Fisheries has levied a fee for excess catches in coastal fishing in May 2023.
23rd June 2023
The Director of Fisheries and the Director of the Coast Guard signed the agreement at the Coast Guard's office in Skógarhlíð yesterday.
20th June 2023
Today the 3rd amendment to the regulation on lumpfish fishing was published in the Official Gazette.
Parties that trade with fish must submit weighing and disposition reports (VOR reports) to the Directorate of Fisheries no later than the 20th of each month for trading with marine catch from the previous month.
16th June 2023
Tuna can be caught as bycatch in pelagic fisheries, therefore we would like to draw attention to the fact that all tuna catches must be reported to the Directorate of Fisheries as soon as possible.
12th June 2023
A new page on special fishing has now appeared on the data pages of the Directorate of Fisheries.
During coastal fishing, 12 days of fishing may be done within each month in May, June, July and August, on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
3rd June 2023
Sailor's near and far
1st June 2023
The Directorate of Fisheries has completed processing of bids submitted for the catch quota switch in May.