The objective of the Equal Rights Policy is to establish and ensure the highest level of equality between staff in the operations and operations of the Institute. It shall encourage the enjoyment of all workers in work on an equal basis, irrespective of their sex, race, ethnic origin, religion, outlook on life, disability, disability, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender characteristics, gender expression or other such personal characteristics. The Equal Rights Policy applies to all employees of the Directorate of Fisheries and each employee is required to implement it.
The Directorate of Fisheries is responsible for the Fisheries Equal Rights Policy and that it is complied with in all respects. The policy applies from May 2024 to May 2027, although it shall be revised as appropriate.
The Directorate of Fisheries strives to comply in full with the provisions of the Act on Equal Status and Equal Rights of the Gender and other laws and regulations that are of significance with regard to equality and non-discrimination.
Equality plan of the Directorate of Fisheries
Job advertisements must always be non-gendered and care must be taken to keep all genders in mind when creating job descriptions. Equality considerations must be evaluated on an equal footing with other considerations when hiring for vacant positions, provided they are equally qualified candidates. Diversity is desirable at Fiskistofa.
The applicant who is judged to be the most qualified to perform the job shall always be hired.
Execution Before jobs are advertised for application, a job analysis should always be carried out, which consists of a description of the job, the requirements for it and the terms and conditions. Job interviews at Fiskitofa are generally standardized.
Objectives Vacancies are available to individuals of all genders.
Increase the number of women in jobs of fishing inspectors.
Operation Individuals encouraged to apply regardless of gender. Introduce the job better. Go on promotional campaign, for example draw attention to the work of fishing inspectors in schools and on the labor market.
Responsibility Division Director CEO is responsible for senior management. Senior management.
Time frame Every year. 2024-2027.
When determining wages and other working conditions, it must be ensured that employees are not discriminated against, nor that other illegal discrimination takes place on the basis of the aforementioned points. Employees must enjoy the same pay for equally valuable and comparable work.
Execution Wage and institutional agreements are the basis for determining wages. If there is a situation where wage discrimination and/or other discrimination is present with regard to the rights of the staff, the head of the fishery must demonstrate that reasons other than gender were the basis or take appropriate measures otherwise.
Objectives Employees shall enjoy the same pay for work which is the same or of equal value. Operation Fiskistofa must follow the requirements regarding equal pay certification and maintain its certification. Responsibility Senior management.
Time frame December every year.
All employees shall enjoy the same opportunities and incentives for lifelong learning and professional training, e.g. to attend courses in order to increase their skills at work or to maintain their education.
Execution The education policy of the Directorate of Fisheries must take equality considerations into account.
Objectives All staff shall enjoy the same opportunities for lifelong learning.
Staff are informed, know and understand equality issues within the Directorate of Fisheries. Regular education in the field of equality.
Operation Career Development Policy Update.
Managers regularly consider whether there is a gender bias in the course or conference requests that they accept or the encouragement of lifelong learning.
Maintain Workplace group - Equality at the Directorate of Fisheries. Education and more will be managed there.
Responsibility Education Committee/Expert in Finance and Human Resources.
Managers. Finance and human resources specialist reviews statistics of course and conference requests annually and .
CEO and equality council.
Time frame December every year. Annual employee interviews ( 2nd. interview). Updated regularly.
All genders must be given equal opportunities to participate in the management and strategic planning of the Directorate of Fisheries. It must be ensured that staff enjoy the same opportunity to work in committees and groups designated by the Directorate of Fisheries or set up within the organisation. At the same time, it must be ensured that staff get the opportunity to take responsibility and participate in decision-making at the institution.
Execution When appointing teams, groups or committees within the Directorate of Fisheries, representatives of all genders should be nominated, if possible. If this is not possible, the person who makes the decision on the appointment must provide justification for the skewed gender ratio if requested. The CEO of the Directorate of Fisheries must ensure equal opportunities for everyone, regardless of gender, to participate in the management and strategy of the Directorate of Fisheries, as well as equal opportunities to work in committees and groups at the organisation. The CEO of the Directorate of Fisheries, and as the case may be, division directors, must choose employees equally from all genders to chair working groups and for other management tasks so that there is gender equality.
Objectives Equal opportunities, regardless of gender, to participate in the management and strategic planning of the Directorate of Fisheries as far as possible.
Equality must be observed when assigning tasks, transferring jobs, providing opportunities to assume responsibility and decisions about advancement in jobs.
Operation Gender composition must be taken into account when working groups are appointed. If advertised is for members for the groups, efforts should be made to select employees of all genders and if only one gender applies the encourage employees of other genders to apply.
Analyze the situation in career development interviews. Ask questions in surveys. Keep these points in mind when assigning tasks and composing working groups.
Responsibility CEO CEO and senior managment.
Time frame 2024-2027 Review list of councils and committees annually.
The Directorate of Fisheries is a family-friendly work environment, as it has been shown that this leads to increased job satisfaction, improved performance, increased productivity and reduced employee turnover. Directors must enable staff to balance their job duties and family responsibilities as much as possible, e.g. with flexibility in working hours, part-time jobs or other work optimization.
Execution At the Directorate of Fisheries, there is a certain flexibility in the working hours of most employees, which makes it easier for employees to balance work and private life. Meetings should be avoided at times other than the employees' normal working hours. Employees are enabled, as much as possible, to reduce their work temporarily due to family responsibilities, such as taking care of children or other close family members.
Objectives Working hours are flexible. Employees are enabled to coordinate their work duties and responsibilities towards family.
Operation Among other things the shortening of the work week. Ways will be sought to balance the load between employees and departments. Employee surveys are sent out every 3 months. Employees shall receive understanding from management when difficult situations arise in their personal lives. Define when working from home is permitted beyond the attendance policy. Parents of preschool and primary school children will continue to be permitted to attend meetings/presentations in primary schools without having to make up their working hours later. Ways will be sought to continue to take into account the special circumstances of fishing inspectors, such as due to long absences from home, and more. Efforts will be made to accommodate requests to reduce the work rate as retirement approaches.
Responsibility CEO of the Directorate of Fisheries / senior management Senior management
Time frame Constantly When difficult situations arise in the personal lives of employees.
All staff have the right to be treated with respect, they are not subjected to aggression, harassment of any kind or any other behavior that hurts the person's sense of dignity, neither by colleagues nor by customers. Prejudice, discrimination and social exclusion are taken seriously. The Directorate of Fisheries must work systematically to prevent staff from being subjected to gender-based violence, gender-based or sexual harassment, for example due to gender characteristics, gender identity, gender expression or sexuality.
Execution If it turns out that gender-based violence, gender-based or sexual harassment has occurred, work must be done in accordance with the Directorate of Fisheries policy on responding to bullying, sexual harassment, gender-based harassment and violence, that is: "Policy in matters relating to bullying, gender-based violence, sexual harassment and gender-based harassment” and “Response plan for bullying, gender-based violence, sexual harassment and gender-based harassment”. In the plan, it must be clear where to go with cases of gender-based violence, gender-based and sexual harassment, also if a supervisor is involved. When dealing with such cases, special confidentiality is maintained. Such cases are not continued without the consent of the alleged victim.
Objectives That a policy is in place if/when issues arise regarding sexual, gender-based harassment or gender-based violence.
Staff receive training on gender-based violence, gender-based and sexual harassment.
Operation The policy and plan must always be available in the organization's quality manual and updated as needed.
Education/presentation at a staff meeting.
Prevention courses related to this must be held and great emphasis must be placed on good, positive and constructive communication.
The main policy goals of the Directorate of Fisheries in the field of equality are:
Not to discriminate in any way on the basis of gender, race, ethnic origin, religion, outlook on life, disability, disability, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender characteristics or gender expression:
when hiring for a job or when making decisions about promotion.
in determining wages and other work-related benefits.
decisions in the field of lifelong learning.
Promote the equal division of gender in management, committees, working groups and general work, as circumstances permit.
To enable employees to reconcile their professional and family life as much as possible.
To provide flexible working hours, as far as possible, based on the nature of each job.
Ensuring a stable work environment for employees.
Not to discriminate against employees in any way on the basis of gender, race, ethnic origin, religion, outlook on life, disability, disability, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender characteristics or gender expression.
Discourse based on attitudes towards others has not passed.
Preventing staff from being subjected to gender-based violence, gender-based harassment and sexual harassment.
Equal pay policy
The purpose of the equal pay policy is that all staff of the Directorate of Fisheries enjoy equal pay and the same terms for the same work or work of equal value, so that no insubstantial wage difference exists. The equal pay policy covers the salaries of all employees of the Directorate of Fisheries.
The Directorate of Fisheries emphasizes equality in wages, as well as in other areas. The Institute operates an equal pay system that meets the requirements of the equal pay standard ÍST85:2012, the Equal Rights Act and other laws and principles that employees shall be paid equal wages for the same work or work of equal value regardless of gender.
Evaluation of the value of jobs
The Directorate of Fisheries has job descriptions for all jobs that are housed in the Directorate of Fisheries records system. It includes all the main aspects of work, such as responsibilities, main tasks and requirements for education. All jobs at the Directorate of Fisheries are also defined in employment families. The factors that have to be considered in defining families of employees are the factors that among other things make up the foundation of the value of jobs, for example, the requirements that a job makes of an employee with regards to responsibilities, knowledge and competence. Jobs belonging to the same family of employees are generally considered equally valuable.
Wage setting and pay decisions
Collective and institutional agreements are the basis for wage decisions at the Directorate of Fisheries. It is also important to take a look at this equal pay policy. The salary setting of the Directorate of Fisheries is based on factors that form the basis of the value of jobs, for example the demands that a job makes of an employee with regard to responsibility, knowledge and competence. Furthermore, the subject matter and nature of their job, knowledge, skills, responsibility, workload, human resources, education, projects, and more, also have an impact on wage setting.
Wage decisions shall be in accordance with the wage structure of the Institute. It shall be in accordance with current agreements and supported by arguments so as to ensure that the same wages are paid for comparable or equivalent work. Decisions on wage changes are made by the Directorate of Fisheries in consultation with the relevant manager.
Equal pay policy
The Directorate of Fisheries fully complies with its own policy on equality, Icelandic law relating to equality issues and the Institute's equal pay system, which aims to meet all the requirements of the equal pay standard ÍST 85:2012. The Administration thus ensures that all staff receive the same wages and benefits for comparable or equivalent work. The incalculable wage gap has not passed within the Directorate of Fisheries.
In order to implement the wage policy and thereby the equal pay policy of the Directorate of Fisheries, the Institute undertakes to document the procedures of the equal pay system, introduce, promote, maintain and continually improve the management of the equal pay system in accordance with the requirements of the equal pay standard. The Directorate of Fisheries has introduced a procedure and defined criteria for determining wages, in which each individual is paid for his/her work based on its value, regardless of gender, sexual identity or other reasons that cannot be considered relevant.
The Directorate of Fisheries and the Director of Finances review the wage structure of jobs and the wages of employees at least annually to ensure that consistency is maintained and that equal wages and the same terms are paid for similar or equivalent jobs. If it is likely that wage discrimination exists and/or other forms of discrimination regarding the rights of staff, the Directorate of Fisheries shall demonstrate that the determination of wages and/or rights has been based on other reasons than gender and take appropriate measures if other factors are identified.
The scope and nature of employment affects wages and is determined by the criteria for classification of jobs according to an equal pay standard, such as knowledge, competence, responsibility, workload and personalized factors according to an institutional contract. It is the joint responsibility of management that wage decisions are made in accordance with this policy and based on transparent and objective criteria.
In order to implement the objectives of the equal pay policy, the Directorate of Fisheries, among others, will:
Document and maintain an equal pay system in accordance with the requirements of the equal pay standard ÍST 85:2012 and maintain certification in accordance with the legal rules on equal pay certification at any given time.
Perform wage analysis at least once a year in the wage analysis tool Embla.
Work on continuous improvement, monitoring and response in accordance with the requirements of the equal pay system and react to deviations when they arise.
Compliance with the standard for internal audits and management reviews on an annual basis.
Apply the relevant laws, regulations and collective agreements in force at any given time.
Introducing the policy to employees. The policy shall also be accessible in the quality system of the institution. The policy shall also be published on the external website of the Institute.
The equal pay policy is an integral part of the Wage Policy of the Directorate of Fisheries.
Updated and approved by senior management of the Directorate of Fisheries on 19.12.2024