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Thousands of kilometer status recorded daily

5th January 2024

At the beginning of this year, registration of the kilometer status of electric, plug-in hybrids, and hydrogen cars opened. Registration is going very well with already around 15 thousand registrations submitted.

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At the beginning of this year, registration of the kilometer status of electric, plug-in hybrids, and hydrogen cars opened. Registration is going very well with already around 15 thousand registrations submitted with thousands of registrations daily. It is therefore expected that the kilometer status of the 50 thousand cars that are subject to the fee will be completed well before the 20th of January, but the first registration must take place before that time.

When tens of thousands of registrations have to take place, there are normally some who get into trouble. The two most common reasons why people have not been able to register kilometer status concern co-owners and hybrid car owners (a hybrid that does not need to be plugged in):

  • Only primary owners of cars can register the kilometer status of their cars and not the co-owners. In some cases where an asset is divided into halves, the party listed ahead is the one who can register. Vehicle keepers of cars owned by credit institutions can also register.

  • Only cars that run entirely or partly on electricity and need to be plugged in are subject to the charge. Hybrid vehicles that do not need to be plugged in therefore do not need to record mileage status.

Registration can be submitted through Í My Pages and Í app, in which the principal owners of electricity and plug-in hybrid vehicles can register the kilometer status of their vehicle.

More information on the kilometer fee.

FAQ about the kilometer fee.

Read more about the full project, Our roads to the future.


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