-This is an AI generated translation of the text in Icelandic. If there is any difference between the Icelandic and the English text, the Icelandic version is valid.
This web page contains a list of International Conventions, other multilateral instruments adopted by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and to which Iceland is a party, amendments to their provisions, as well as the date of entry into force of the amendments.
According to Article 9 a of Act No. 219/2012, as amended, on the Icelandic Transport Authority (ICETRA), the provisions of the International Conventions shall bind those concerned as of the date following their publication on the ICETRA website. Article 9 a provides:
“Publication of international Rules on maritime issues Annexes and Codes related to international maritime Conventions to which Iceland is a party shall be published on the website of the Icelandic Transport Authority, provided that the Articles of the relevant international Conventions have been published in the C-section of the Government Gazette. The Icelandic Transport Authority shall also publish on the website Circulars, Circular Letters and Guidelines issued by the International Maritime Organization or which are issued by other international organizations for further clarifications of the implementation of the relevant international Conventions. The original language texts of the Annexes, Codes, Circulars and Guidelines may be published.
Upon publication pursuant to paragraph 1, the date of issue shall be specified. Provisions contained in Annexes, Codes, Circulars and Guidelines shall not be applied until they have been published on the website of the Icelandic Transport Authority, unless they contain provisions of the Comprehensive Civil Code, and the parties have agreed that their exchange will be in accordance with unpublished instructions. The rules shall bind all as of the day following their publication on the website of the Icelandic Transport Authority, if they do not contain any other decision on their entry into force.
Those who wish should be given the opportunity to receive a notification from the Icelandic Transport Authority when new Annexes, Codes, Circulars and Guidelines are published or amended. The Minister may set additional rules on this subject in a Regulation.“
Date of publication on the ICETRA website 1 June 2022
(SOLAS 1974) Gildistökudagur/ Entry into force: 25 May 1980
Amendments | Entry into force |
1981 amendments (MSC.1(XLV)) | 1 September 1984 |
1983 amendments (MSC.6(48)) | 1 July 1986 |
1988 amendments (MSC.11(55)) | 22 October 1989 |
1988 amendments (MSC.12(56)) | 29 April 1990 |
1988 amendments (Conference resolutions 1and 2) | 1 February 1992 |
1989 amendments (MSC.13(57)) | 1 February 1992 |
1990 amendments (MSC.19(58)) | 1 February 1992 |
1991 amendments (MSC.22(59)) | 1 January 1994 |
1992 amendments (MSC.24(60)) | 1 October 1994 |
1992 amendments (MSC.26(60)) | 1 October 1994 |
1992 amendments (MSC.27(61)) chapters II-1, II-2, III and IV | 1 October 1994 |
1994 amendments (MSC.31(63)) Annex 1: chapter V (ship reporting systems, | 1 January 1996 |
Annex 2: chapter II-2 and V (protection of fuel lines, | 1 July 1998 |
1994 amendments (Conference resolution 1) |
Annex 1: chapters X and XI (safety measures | 1 January 1996 |
Annex 2: chapter IX (management for the safe operation of | 1 July 1998 |
1994 amendments (MSC.42(64)) | 1 July 1996 |
1995 amendments (MSC.46(65)) chapter V (ships' routeing) | 1 January 1997 |
1995 amendments (Conference resolution 1) chapters II-1, II-2, III, IV, V and VI | 1 July 1997 |
1996 amendments (MSC.47(66)) | 1 July 1998 |
1996 amendments (MSC.57(67)) chapters II-1, II-2 and V | 1 July 1998 |
1997 amendments (MSC.65(68)) chapters II-1 and V (passenger ship subdivision and stability; vessel traffic services) | 1 July 1999 |
1997 amendments (Conference resolution 1) chapter XII (bulk carrier safety, Standards for the evaluation of scantlings of the transverse watertight vertically corrugated bulkhead between the two foremost cargo holds and for the evaluation of allowable | 1 July 1999 |
1998 amendments (MSC.69(69)) | 1 July 2002 |
1999 amendments (MSC.87(71)) | 1 January 2001 |
2000 amendments (MSC.91(72)) | 1 January 2002 |
2000 amendments (MSC.99(73)) | 1 July 2002 |
2001 amendments (MSC.117(74)) | 1 January 2003 |
2002 amendments (MSC.123(75)) | 1 January 2004 |
2002 amendments (Conference resolution 1) chapters V and XI (XI-1 and XI-2) | 1 July 2004 |
2002 amendments (MSC.134(76)) | 1 July 2004 |
2003 amendments (MSC.142(77)) | 1 July 2006 |
2004 amendments (MSC.151(78)) | 1 January 2006 |
2004 amendments (MSC.152(78)) | 1 July 2006 |
2004 amendments (MSC.153(78)) chapter V | 1 July 2006 |
2004 amendments (MSC.170(79)) | 1 July 2006 |
2005 amendments (MSC.194(80)) |
Annex 1: chapter II-1 | 1 January 2007 |
Annex 2: chapters II-1, II-2, VI, IX, XI-1 | 1 January 2009 |
2006 amendments (MSC.201(81)) | 1 July 2010 |
2006 amendments (MSC.202(81)) chapter V | 1 January 2008 |
2006 amendments (MSC.216(82)) |
Annex 1: chapters II-1, II-2, III and XII and appendix (Performance standard for protective coatings for dedicated seawater ballast tanks in all types of ships and double-side skin spaces of bulk carriers (MSC.215(82))) | 1 July 2008 |
Annex 2: chapter II-1 | 1 January 2009 |
Annex 3: chapters II-1, II-2, and III | 1 July 2010 |
2007 amendments (MSC.239(83)) chapters IV and V and appendix | 1 July 2009 |
2008 amendments (MSC.256(84)) chapters II-1, II-2, III and IV and appendix | 1 January 2010 |
2008 amendments (MSC.257(84) ) chapter XI-1 (Casualty | 1 January 2010 |
2008 amendments (MSC.269(85)) | 1 July 2010 |
Annex 2: chapters II-2, VI and VII | 1 January 2011 |
2009 amendments (MSC.282(86)) | 1 January 2011 |
2010 amendments (MSC.290(87)) | 1 January 2012 |
2010 amendments (MSC.291(87)) | 1 January 2012 |
2010 amendments (MSC.308(88)) chapters II-1, II-2 and V and appendix | 1 July 2012 |
2010 amendments (MSC.308(88)) | 1 July 2012 |
2011 amendments (MSC.317(89)) chapter III | 1 January 2013 |
2011 amendments (MSC.317(89)) | 1 January 2013 |
2013 amendments (MSC.350(92)) | 1 January 2015 |
2014 amendments (MSC.365(93)) | 1 January 2016 |
2014 amendments (MSC.366(93)) | 1 January 2016 |
2014 amendments (MSC.380(94)) | 1 July 2016 |
2014 amendments (MSC.386(94)) | 1 January 2017 |
2015 amendments (MSC.392(95)) | 1 January 2017 |
2016 amendments (MSC.402(96)) | 1 January 2020 1) |
2016 amendments (MSC.404(96)) | 1 January 2020 |
2016 amendments (MSC.409(97)) 2018 amendments (MSC.436(99)) 2019 amendments (MSC.456(101)) 2020 amendments (MSC.474(102)) | 1 January 2020 1 January 2020 1 January 2024* 1 January 2024 |
1) Upon entry into force of the amendments to SOLAS 1974, adopted by resolution MSC.404(96
International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code)
(MSC.4(48)) / MSC.176(79)
Effective as from: 1 July 1986
Amendments | Entry into force |
1987 amendments (MSC.10(54)) (lists of chemicals) | 30 October 1988 |
1989 amendments (MSC.14(57)) (lists of chemicals) | 13 October 1990 |
1990 amendments (MSC.16(58))(harmonized system of survey and certification) | 3 February 2000 |
1992 amendments (MSC.28(61)) (list of chemicals, cargo tank venting and | 1 July 1994 |
1996 amendments (MSC.50(66)) (lists of chemicals) | 1 July 1998 |
1996 amendments (MSC.58(67)) (vague expressions) | 1 July 1998 |
2000 (chapters 5, 8, 14, 15 and 16) amendments (MSC.102(73)) | 1 July 2002 |
2004 amendments (MSC.176(79)) | 1 January 2007 |
2006 amendments (MSC.219(82)) | 1 January 2009 |
2012 amendments (MSC.340(91) | 1 June 2014 |
2014 amendments (MSC.369(93)) | 1 January 2016 |
2018 amendments (MSC.440(99)) (Model form of International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk) | 1 January 2020 |
2019 amendments (MSC.460(101)) | 1 January 2021 |
2022 amendments (Res.MEPC.345(78)) | 1 July 2024 |
International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code) (MSC.5(48)) /
Effective as from: 1 July 1986
Amendments | Entry into force |
1990 amendments (MSC.17(58)) | 3 February 2000 |
1992 amendments (MSC.30(61)) | 1 July 1994 |
1994 amendments (MSC.32(63)) | 1 July 1998 |
1996 amendments (MSC.59(67)) | 1 July 1998 |
2000 (chapters 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14 and 18) amendments (MSC.103(73)) | 1 July 2002 |
2004 (chapters 3 and 10) amendments | 1 July 2006 |
2006 amendments (MSC.220(82)) | 1 Jan 2009 |
2014 amendments (MSC.370(93)) | 1 Jan 2016 |
2016 amendments (MSC.411(97)) | 1 Jan 2020 |
2018 amendments (MSC.441(99)) | 1 Jan 2020 |
International Code for the Safe Carriage of Grain in Bulk (Grain Code (MSC.23(59)) Effective as from: 1 January 1994
International Code of Safety for High-Speed Craft (1994 HSC Code) (MSC.36(63))
Effective as from: 1 January 1996
Entry into force: 1 May 1981
Amendments | Entry into force |
1981 amendments (MSC.2(XLV)) | 1 September 1984 |
1988 amendments (GMDSS) (Conference resolution) chapter I and appendix | 1 February 1992 |
2012 amendments (appendix) (MSC.343(91)) | 1 July 2014 |
2015 amendments (MSC.394(95)) | 1 January 2017 |
Entry into force: 3 February 2000
Amendments | Entry into force |
2000 amendments (MSC.92(72)) | 1 January 2002 |
2000 amendments (to the Annex) (MSC.100(73)) | 1 July 2002 |
2002 amendments (MSC.124(75)) | 1 January 2004 |
2004 amendments (MSC.154(78)) | 1 July 2006 |
2004 amendments (MSC.171(79)) | 1 July 2006 |
2006 amendments (to the Annex) (MSC.204(81))*) |
2006 amendments (to the appendix to the Annex) (MSC.227(82)) | 1 July 2008 |
2007 amendments (to the appendix to the Annex)(MSC.240(83)) | 1 July 2009 |
2008 amendments (to the appendix to the Annex)(MSC.258(84)) | 1 January 2010 |
2009 amendments (to the appendix to the Annex) (MSC.283(86)) | 1 January 2011 |
2010 amendments (to the appendix to the Annex)(MSC.309(88)) | 1 July 2012 |
2012 amendments (to the appendix to the Annex) (MSC.344(91)) | 1 July 2014 |
2015 amendments (MSC.395(95)) | 1 January 2017 |
Entry into force: 15 July 1977
*) These Rules apply to all vessels upon the high seas and in all waters connected therewith navigable by seagoing vessels and contain provisions concerning steering and sailing rules, lights and shapes, and sound and light signals.
Amendments | Entry into force |
1981 amendments (general) (A.464(XII)) | 1 June 1983 |
1987 amendments (general) (A.626(15)) | 19 November 1989 |
1989 amendments (general) (A.678(16)) | 19 April 1991 |
1993 amendments (general) (A.736(18)) | 4 November 1995 |
2001 amendments (general) (A.910(22)) | 29 November 2003 |
2007 amendments (general) (A.1004(25)) | 1 December 2009 |
2013 amendments (Part F) (A.1085(28)) | 1 January 2016 |
(IMO Instruments Implementation III Code) See Supplement
| January 2016 |
International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto (MARPOL)
Sjá auglýsingu á vef Stjórnartíðinda um innleiðingu og birtingu á viðaukum við MARPOL, með breytingum skv. bókun 1978 við MARPOL-samninginn.
See advertisement on the Government Gazette web site on the implementation and promulgation of MARPOL Annexes, as amended, modified by the Protocol of 1978 thereto (MARPOL)
Entry into force: 5 March 1967
(a) | Amendment to the Convention: 1973 amendment (amendment procedure) |
2 June 1984 |
(b) | Amendments to the Annex: |
| 1969 amendments (cruise ships) | 12 August 1971 |
| 1977 amendments (sick/injured/transit persons, scientific services/relief work) | 31 July 1978 |
| 1986 amendments (ADP/EDI) | 1 October 1986 |
| 1987 amendments (FAL.1(17)) (upgrading of recommendations) | 1 January 1989 |
Amendments | Entry into force |
1990 amendments (FAL.2(19)) | 1 September 1991 |
1992 amendments (FAL.3(21)) | 1 September 1993 |
1993 amendments (FAL.4(22)) 1994 (general) | 1 September |
1996 amendments (FAL.5(24)) (general/pre-import information/pre-arrival clearance) | 1 May 1997 |
1999 amendments (FAL.6(27)) | 1 January 2001 |
2002 amendments (FAL.7(29)) | 1 May 2003 |
2005 amendments (FAL.8(32)) | 1 November 2006 |
2009 amendments (FAL.10(35)) | 15 May 2010 |
2016 amendments (FAL.12(40)) | 1 January 2018 |
1971 amendments (general) (A.231(VII)) | 21 July 1968 | |
| 1975 amendment (article 29) (A.319(IX)) | not yet in force |
| 1979 amendment (seasonal area) (A.411(XI)) | not yet in force |
| 1983 amendments (seasonal area) (A.513(13)) | not yet in force |
| 1995 amendment (seasonal area) (A.784(19)) | not yet in force |
| 2005 amendments (Annex III – certificates) (A.972(24)) | 3 February 2010 |
Amendments | Entry into force |
2013 amendments (A. 1082(28)) (Annex II – Southern Winter Seasonal Zone) | 28 February 2018 |
2013 amendments (A. 1083(28)) | 28 February 2018 |
(Annexes I and IV - IMO Instruments Implementation (III) Code)
Entry into force: 3 February 2000
Amendments | Entry into force |
2003 (Annex B) amendments (MSC.143(77)) | 1 January 2005 |
2004 (Annex B) amendments (MSC.172(79)) | 1 July 2006 |
2006 (Annex B) amendments (MSC.223(82)) | 1 July 2008 |
2008 (Annex B) amendments (MSC.270(85)) | 1 July 2010 |
2012 (Annex B) amendments (MSC.329(90)) | 1 January 2014 |
2012 (Annex B) amendments (MSC.345(91)) | 1 July 2014 |
2013 (Annex B) amendments (MSC.356(92)) | 1 January 2015 |
2014 (Annex B) amendments (MSC.375(93)) | 1 January 2016 |
Entry into force: 18 July 1982
Amendments | Entry into force |
2013 amendments ( ) (Annexes I and III - IMO Instruments Implementation (III) Code) | 28 February 2017* |
For the calculation of the date of entry into force under unanimous acceptance please refer to circular TM. 7/Circ. 1. Should the amendments enter into force under unanimous approval, the explicit approval becomes invalid. |
Entry into force: 6 May 1975
Entry into force: 30 March 1983
Amendments | Entry into force |
1991 amendments (list of substances) (MEPC.49(31)) | 24 July 1992 |
1996 amendments (list of substances) (MEPC.72(38)) | 19 December 1997 |
2002 amendments (lists of substances) (MEPC.100(48)) | 22 June 2004 |
2007 amendments (lists of substances) (MEPC.165(56)) | 23 November 2009 |
Entry into force: 19 June 1975
Entry into force: 8 April 1981
Entry into force: 30 May 1996
Amendments | Entry into force |
2000 amendments (LEG.1(82)) (amendments of the limitation amounts) | 1 November 2003 |
Entry into force: 2 January 1974
Entry into force: 2 June 1977
Entry into force: 15 July 1975
Entry into force: 16 October 1978
Ceased to be in force on 24 May 2002, in accordance with article 2 of the Protocol of 2000 to the International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage, 1971, when the number of Contracting States to the Convention fell to 24.
Entry into force: 22 November 1994
9) Consequent upon the cessation of the 1971 Fund Convention on 24 May 2002, this Protocol is considered to have ceased with effect from the same date.
Entry into force: 30 May 1996
Amendments | Entry into force |
2000 amendments (LEG.2(82)) (amendments of limits of compensation) | 1 November 2003 |
Entry into force: 27 June 2001
Entry into force: 3 March 2005
Entry into force: 6 September 1977
(a) | Amendments to the Convention and Annexes: 1993 amendments: (A.737(18) ) (S.I. units) |
not yet in force |
b) | Amendments to the Annexes: |
| 1981 amendments (transitional arrangements for plating) | 1 December 1981 |
| 1983 amendments (MSC.3(48)) (re-examination intervals) | 1 January 1984 |
| 1991 amendments (MSC.20(59)) (modified containers/tank containers) | 1 January 1993 |
| 2010 amendments (MSC.310(88)) | 1 January 2012 |
Entry into force: 28 April 1987
Entry into force: 30 April 1989
Not yet in force
Entry into force: 23 April 2014
Entry into force: 16 July 1979
Amendments | Entry into force |
1985 amendments | 13 October 1989 |
1989 amendments (land mobile-satellite communications) | 26 June 1997 |
1994 amendments (superseded by the 1998 amendments) | not yet in force |
1998 amendments (restructuring of the Organization) | 31 July 2001 |
2006 amendments | superseded 10) |
2008 amendments (these amendments extend IMSO's oversight to all GMDSS providers recognized by IMO and enhance IMSO's role as LRIT Coordinator) | not yet in force 11) |
The Operating Agreement is no longer in force, following the entry into force of the 1998 amendments to the Convention on 31 July 2001.
Entry into force: 16 July 1979
1985 amendments 13 October 1989 (aeronautical-satellite communications)
10) Following the adoption by IMSO, at its twentieth session, of the 2008 amendments to the IMSO Convention, on 6 October 2008, the IMSO Assembly decided to terminate, with effect from the same date, the decision to adopt the 2006 amendments, taken at its eighteenth session, as well as the decision, taken at its nineteenth (extraordinary) session, to apply them provisionally, with effect from 7 March 2007. 11) The IMSO Assembly decided that these amendments should be applied provisionally with effect from 6 October 2008.
Entry into force: 1 December 1986
Entry into force: 13 May 2004
Amendments | Entry into force |
2012 amendments (to the limitation amounts set out in article 3 of the Protocol)(LEG.5(99) | 8 June 2015 |
Not yet in force 12)
12) The Torremolinos Protocol is effectively replaced and superseded by the 2012 Cape Town Agreement which updates and amends a number of provisions of the Protocol to facilitate their entry into force. States should therefore not ratify or otherwise express their consent to be bound by the Protocol and should instead become Parties to the Agreement; States which have already expressed their consent to be bound by the Protocol should take appropriate steps to signify their consent to be bound by the Agreement using one of the options available under Article 3 of the Agreement.
Not yet in force
Entry into force: 28 April 1984
Amendments | Entry into force |
1991 amendments (GMDSS and trials) (MSC.21(59)) | 1 December 1992 |
1994 amendments (MSC.33(63)) (special training requirements for personnel on tankers) | 1 January 1996 |
STCW 1995 amendments (Conference resolution 1 ) (revised Annex to Convention (STCW Code)) | 1 February 1997 |
1997 amendments (MSC.66(68)) (training and qualification requirements for personnel on passenger ships) | 1 January 1999 |
2006 amendments (MSC.203(81)) | 1 January 2008 |
Part A – (Mandatory standards) effective as from: 1 February 1997
Amendments | Entry into force |
1997 amendments (MSC.67(68)) | 1 January 1999 |
1998 amendments (MSC.78(70)) | 1 January 2003 |
2004 amendments (MSC.156(78)) | 1 July 2006 |
2004 amendments (MSC.180(79)) | 1 July 2006 |
2006 amendments (MSC.209(81)) | 1 January 2008 |
2014 amendments (MSC.374(93)) | 1 January 2016 |
2015 amendments (MSC.397(95)) | 1 January 2017 |
2016 amendments (MSC.417(97)) | 1 July 2018 |
2018 amendments (MSC.455(100)) 2020 amendments (MSC.478(102)) 2021 amendments (MSC.487(103)) | 1 January 2019 |
Entry into force: 29 September 2012
Entry into force: 22 June 1985
Amendments | Entry into force |
1998 amendments (MSC.70(69))(revised Annex) | 1 January 2000 |
2004 amendments (MSC.155(78)) | 1 July 2006 |
Entry into force: 1 March 1992
Entry into force: 28 July 2010
Entry into force: 1 March 1992
Entry into force: 28 July 2010
Entry into force: 14 July 1996
Entry into force: 13 May 1995
Entry into force: 14 June 2007
Not yet in force*
*in order to eliminate certain obstacles to the ratification of the 1996 HNS Convention, a number of provisions of the Convention have been amended by the 2010 HNS Protocol. The Convention, as amended by its Protocol, will, once the Protocol enters into force, constitute the 2010 HNS Convention. In order to avoid a situation in which two conflicting regimes would become operational, States deciding to become Parties to the 2010 HNS Protocol must ensure that they deposit instruments only in respect of the Protocol, without any reference to the 1996 HNS Convention (see resolution 3 of the International Conference of 2010 on the Revision of the HNS Convention).
Not yet in force
Entry into force: 30 August 1975
(a) Amendments to the Convention:
Amendments | Entry into force |
1978 amendments: (LDC.6(III)) | not yet in force |
(concerning procedures for the settlement of disputes)
(b) | Amendments to the Annexes: 1978 amendments (LDC.5(III)) and other matter at sea) |
11 March 1979 |
| 1980 amendments (LDC.12(V)) | 11 March 1981 |
| 1989 amendments (LDC.37(12)) | 19 May 1990 |
| 1993 amendments (LC.49(16)) | 20 February 1994 |
| 1993 amendments (LC.50(16)) (concerning incineration at sea) | 20 February 1994 |
| 1993 amendments (LC.51(16)) | 20 February 1994 |
Entry into force: 24 March 2006
Amendments | Entry into force: |
2006 amendments (LP1.(1)) | 10 February 2007 |
2009 amendments to Article 6: (LP.3(4)) |
2013 amendments (LP.4(8)) |
Entry into force: 17 September 2008
Amandment | Entry into force: |
2021 amendment MEPC.331(76) | 1 January 2023 |
Entry into force: 21 November 2008
Entry into force: 8 September 2017
Amendments | Entry into force: |
2018 amendments (regulations A-1 and D-3 ─ Code for Approval of Ballast Water Management Systems (BWMS Code)) (regulations A-1 and D-3 ─ Code for Approval of Ballast Water Management Systems (BWMS Code)) | 13 October 2019 |
2018 amendments (regulation B-3 ─ Implementation schedule of ballast water management for ships (regulation B-3 ─ Implementation schedule of ballast water management for ships | 13 October 2019 |
2018 amendments (regulations E-1 and E-5 ─ Endorsements of additional surveys on the International Ballast Water Management Certificate) | 13 October 2019 |
Code for Approval of Ballast Water Management Systems (BWMS Code)
Effective as from: 13 October 2019 -14)
Entry into force: 14 April 2015
Entry into force: Not yet in force
14) Upon the entry into force of the associated amendments to the BWM Convention, adopted by resolution (MEPC.296(72)

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The Icelandic Transport Authority