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International Maritime Organisation (IMO)

Publication of IMO Conventions

-This is an AI generated translation of the text in Icelandic. If there is any difference between the Icelandic and the English text, the Icelandic version is valid.

This web page contains a list of International Conventions, other multilateral instruments adopted by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and to which Iceland is a party, amendments to their provisions, as well as the date of entry into force of the amendments.

According to Article 9 a of Act No. 219/2012, as amended, on the Icelandic Transport Authority (ICETRA), the provisions of the International Conventions shall bind those concerned as of the date following their publication on the ICETRA website. Article 9 a provides:
“Publication of international Rules on maritime issues Annexes and Codes related to international maritime Conventions to which Iceland is a party shall be published on the website of the Icelandic Transport Authority, provided that the Articles of the relevant international Conventions have been published in the C-section of the Government Gazette. The Icelandic Transport Authority shall also publish on the website Circulars, Circular Letters and Guidelines issued by the International Maritime Organization or which are issued by other international organizations for further clarifications of the implementation of the relevant international Conventions. The original language texts of the Annexes, Codes, Circulars and Guidelines may be published.

Upon publication pursuant to paragraph 1, the date of issue shall be specified. Provisions contained in Annexes, Codes, Circulars and Guidelines shall not be applied until they have been published on the website of the Icelandic Transport Authority, unless they contain provisions of the Comprehensive Civil Code, and the parties have agreed that their exchange will be in accordance with unpublished instructions. The rules shall bind all as of the day following their publication on the website of the Icelandic Transport Authority, if they do not contain any other decision on their entry into force. 

Those who wish should be given the opportunity to receive a notification from the Icelandic Transport Authority when new Annexes, Codes, Circulars and Guidelines are published or amended. The Minister may set additional rules on this subject in a Regulation.“

Date of publication on the ICETRA website 1 June 2022
