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International Maritime Organisation (IMO)

-This is an AI generated translation of the text in Icelandic. If there is any difference between the Icelandic and the English text, the Icelandic version is valid.

Iceland is a party to The International Maritime Organisation (IMO), which is a specialised United Nations agency with responsibility for the safety and security of ships and for the prevention of marine pollution by ships.

  • As a specialised agency of the United Nations, the IMO establishes international regulations for maritime safety and environmental protection in the field of international navigation.

  • The main role of the Agency is to create a regulatory framework for maritime stakeholders.

  • The rules should be fair and efficient and be legislated and implemented as widely as possible.

  • In other words, the role of the IMO is to create a level playing field so that shipowners cannot tackle financial problems by simply going over the hook and impairing the safety of ships, their protection and the environmental impact of their operation. This approach will also encourage innovation and efficiency.