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Icelandic test for citizenship

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You will receive a test result approximately 6 weeks after the last test in the cycle was held.

It is not given a grade.

You passed the test

If you passed the test, you will receive a confirmation document by e-mail to the e-mail address you registered at the time of the test.

The confirmation document must be sent with your application for citizenship.

The document states:

  • your name

  • ID number

  • year of the test

The confirmation document is valid indefinitely.

A copy of the confirmation document is also sent to the Directorate of Immigration.

If you have lost the document

If you have lost the document, you can send an e-mail to with information about:

  • your name

  • national ID number (kennitala)

  • when you took the test

You failed the test

If you failed the test, you will be notified by email to the email address you registered at the time of the test.

You can enroll again for tests when they are held next.

Back: Icelandic language test for citizenship

Next: Details about the exam

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Víkurhvarf 3

203 Kópavogur

Kennitala: 660124-1280