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I need to use compression stockings/pressure equipment for my arms, legs or torso. Is it possible to apply for a grant?

Yes, you can apply for a grant for the purchase of compression stockings/pressure equipment for burns, chronic severe vein/vascular problems and chronic paralytic oedema. Total of 3 pairs of compression stockings are approved in a 12-month period, they shall be of a minimum pressure of 18 mmHg. In general, 2 compression sleeves are approved over a 12-month period.

In general the payment participation is 70% but 90% for children and 100% due to burns.

The payment participation in ready made compression stockings is 11,600 ISK, based on a 100% grant, but otherwise a percentage of this amount (90% 10.450 ISK and 70% 8.150 ISK).

Specially sewn compression stockings are approved in cases of significant physical abnormalities due to disease, structural or accidental factors and lymphedema, Grade I. The grant for such pressure stockings is double compared to the ready made compression stockings.

Specially sewn compression socks made of flat seam are approved for users with confirmed lymphedema stage II-III and diagnosis must be confirmed by a vascular surgeon following medical examination. The grant amount of such compression stockings is based on cost estimates at each time.

It is assessed each time how compression stockings/pressure equipment are needed.

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