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Directorate of Immigration: Residence permits - Types

Can I apply for a residence permit for my parents?

Visit Check if you need a residence permit in Iceland for a personalized answer to your question based on necessary additional information about you and your parents.

Make sure to answer the questions based on your parents and not yourself.

If you are an Icelandic citizen, a citizen of another Nordic country, EEA or EFTA citizen or hold a residence permit on grounds of employment, a residence permit on grounds of study, a residence permit on grounds of marriage or cohabitation, a residence permit on grounds of international protection, a residence permit on humanitarian grounds, a residence permit based on special ties to Iceland, residence permit due to BREXIT or a permanent residence permit, you can apply for a residence permit for your parents if they are older than 67 years and financially dependent on you.

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Directorate of Immigration

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Office hours are 9 - 14 Monday through Friday Service center is open Mon - Thu: 9 - 14 & Fri 9 - 12

Dalvegur 18, 201 Kópavogi (see map)

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Sími +354 444 0900