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Expulsion and re-entry ban to Iceland

Restrictions on authorisation for expulsion

According to the Foreign Nationals Act, determining the expulsion of a foreign national shall focus on whether the expulsion, considering the circumstances of the case, the gravity of an offence or a foreign national’s connection to Iceland, would entail unfair measure towards the foreign national or his/her immediate relatives. Special consideration shall be exercised if this involves a child or the immediate relatives of a child and therefore the best interests of the child shall prevail when entering into a decision. This does not apply, however, if expulsion is necessary because of national security or public interest.

  • A foreign national who was born in Iceland may not be expelled if he/she has lived permanently in Iceland since birth according to Registers Iceland.

  • A Nordic citizen who has lived in Iceland for more than three months may only be expelled if his/her conduct could result in one year imprisonment or more.

Restrictions on authorisation for expulsion of EEA/EFTA citizens or their relatives

In instances of EEA/EFTA citizens, the consideration shall focus, among other things, on the length of stay in Iceland, age, health, social and cultural adjustment, family and financial situation, and the connection of the individual to his/her home country. Furthermore, expulsion may not be an automatic consequence of an EEA/EFTA citizen or his/her relative having sought social assistance.

A decision on expulsion shall furthermore not be made in instances of EEA/EFTA citizens

  • If the individual has the right to unlimited stay unless serious reasons prevent this on grounds of public order or public safety.

  • If the individual has not been permanently domiciled in Iceland for 10 years, unless a decision on expulsion is made on grounds of urgent circumstances pertaining to public safety.