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Citizens outside of EEA/EFTA

The authorizations for expulsions differ depending on whether the foreigner in question has a residence permit in Iceland or not.

Without a residence permit

Foreign nationals who do not have a residence permit in Iceland may be expelled, for example, in the following instances:

  • If they are staying in Iceland illegally.

  • If they have seriously or repeatedly been in serious breach of the provisions of the Foreign Nationals Act, submitted incorrect or obviously misleading information, or not honored an order to leave the country.

  • If they, over the last five years, have served a penal sentence abroad or been sentenced for conduct which, according to Icelandic law, could result in imprisonment for more than three months, or been sentenced in Iceland for conduct that could result in imprisonment longer than three months or been sentenced more than once to imprisonment over the last three years.

  • If they have been refused entry or expelled from a Schengen member state for violations of the provisions of law regarding arrival and stay by foreign nationals.

  • If this is considered necessary on grounds of national security or public interest.

With a residence permit

Foreign nationals holding a residence permit may be expelled, for example, in the following instances:

  • If they have seriously and repeatedly violated the provisions of the Foreign Nationals Act, submitted incorrect or obviously misleading information, or not honored an order to leave the country.

  • If they, over the last five years, have served a penal sentence abroad or been sentenced for conduct which, according to Icelandic law, could result in imprisonment for more than one year, or been sentenced in Iceland for conduct that could result in imprisonment for more than one year or been sentenced more than once to imprisonment over the last three years.

  • If this is considered necessary on grounds of national security or public interest.

With a permanent residence permit

Foreign nationals holding a permanent residence permit may be expelled, for example, in the following instances:

  • If they have served a sentence or been sentenced for conduct that could result in three years imprisonment or more according to Icelandic law, and occurred over the last five years abroad or last year in Iceland.

  • If this is considered necessary on grounds of national security or public interest.

EEA/EFTA citizens and their relatives

  • If this is considered necessary on grounds of public order and national security.

    • In such instances, however, the conduct of the individual must pose a real, pending or sufficiently serious threat against the society’s basic interests.

    • Expulsion shall not only be based on general preventive grounds. If the individual has received a penal sentence or special measures have been decided, expulsion for this reason is only permissible if this pertains to conduct that could indicate that the person in question may commit a criminal offence again. Previous penal offences alone are not sufficient for expulsion being ordered.

  • If this is necessary on grounds of public health.

  • If the individual does not meet the requirements of the Foreign Nationals Act regarding authorization to stay in Iceland.