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Re-evaluation of disability

Disability assessment

When it is time to re-evaluate your disability, the process is similar to the first application.


The application process can take up to 6 weeks. The first step is to talk to your doctor.

  1. A doctor issues a medical certificate for disability.

  2. You apply to TR and submit supporting documents if applicable.

  3. The insurance doctor will assess your disability based on all the data.

In rare cases, applicants must go back to see a doctor that TR sends them to. This is only done if the insurance doctor assesses that a significant change has occurred in the applicant's health based on the data submitted.

Application status

You can follow the status of your application on My Pages.

You can also find your secret number there. It is used in to get information from TR over the phone.

Processing time for applications

The processing time for applications may be up to 6 weeks after all documents have been received. If there is a missing document, you will receive a message about it on My pages TR.

If you need to go back to see a doctor that TR sends you to see, the processing time may be extended.

The disability assessment is usually approved from the first day of the following month after all conditions are fulfilled and all supporting documents have been received.


When the evaluation results are available, you will receive an email and notification on My pages under My documents. You will receive another notification once your payments have been calculated.

If you disagree with the decision, you can:

Payment period

You will receive disability pensions as long as the disability assessment is valid and your income is below the income thresholds.

Payment arrangements

Disability pension is paid in advance on the first day of each month to the bank account registered on My pages TR. You can also register information about the use of personal allowances.

If applications are accepted retrospectively, the credit is paid out as soon as possible. If an application for a reevaluation is approved early, there will be no interruption of payments.

On My pages you can see the amounts in the payment plan after the payments have been recalculated according to the new estimate. A new payment plan is published in the month before the new estimate takes effect.

It is important to update the income estimate on My pages if necessary.

Disability assessment