Cervical cancer screening
Follow-up in special risk groups
-Automatic translation
HIV infected
Can follow the same age criteria for screening as HIV-negative individuals
In case of abnormal samples during screening, the follow-up should be the same as for HIV-negative individuals
Individuals who have needed treatment for a precancerous lesion need annual monitoring throughout their lives
Organ recipients and stem cell recipients
Need special evaluation from a gynecologist on treatment and possibly a new screening sample
Important to inform about increased risk for abnormal cell growth
Screening after treatment should be every 3 years
In case of abnormal samples during screening, the follow-up is the same as for healthy individuals
Follow-up throughout their lives
Immunosuppressed women (e.g. due to immunosuppressive drugs for rheumatic disease, inflammatory disease)
There is no reason for increased monitoring
Able to follow standard screening guidelines
Service provider
Directorate of Health