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Colorectal cancer screening

Individuals aged 60-74 are invited to participate in colorectal cancer screening.

Colorectal cancer screening is an effective way to reduce the mortality rate of the disease. The aim of the screening is to detect the disease at an early stage and thereby increase the chance of a cure.

See the brochure: Screening for Colorectal Cancer In progress

Invitation to screening

A sampling kit for the stool test (FIT-test: Fecal Immunochemical Test) is sent from the Cancer Screening Coordination Center (Samhæfingarstöð krabbameinsskimana) along with instructions on how to take a sample at home. The test examines whether there is blood in the stool. Individuals take a sample at home, put the sample in an envelope marked Landspítali's laboratory and deliver the sample at the nearest clinic or send it by mail.

Blood is estimated to be detected in around 6-8% of samples (positive FIT test).

If blood is found in the stool sample, a colonoscopy is recommended within 4 weeks. Colonoscopies are performed by self-employed gastroenterologists and surgeons who perform colonoscopies. The result of the colonoscopy is registered in a database that keeps track of the results of the colonoscopy and follow up.

  • The age group of 60-74 years receives an invitation for screening every 2 years.

  • All results from the screenings are sent electronically through - My pages.

When sufficient experience of the screening has been gained, the aim is to offer screening in the age groups of 50-74.