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Basic services for applicants for international protection

End of basic services

Positive result of application

When a person has received a positive decision on his/her application for international protection, whether he/she receives refugee status or a humanitarian permit, the right to service by the Directorate of Labour shall be suspended no later than 8 weeks after the publication of the decision.

The right to service shall expire three days after an individual is offered another housing unit by a public entity such as a municipality. The Directorate of Labour may decide to defer the termination of service, including when an individual accepts an offer for such housing units, but it is not free until after a certain period of time.

However, the right to service in these cases must never exceed 8 weeks from the publication of the decision.

Application is refused

Applicants who have received a final refusal of their application will continue to have the right to service until they have left the country. The maximum service period is 30 days after the decision on refusal.

After that time, rights expire unless a foreigner is subject to certain exceptions in the Act on Foreigners. The right to urgent healthcare services never expires.

Furthermore, special rules apply to the cancellation of rights for EEA or EFTA citizens or foreigners who come from states on the List of Safe States of Origin by the Directorate of Immigration and the application is assessed as manifestly non-qualifiable.

Application withdrawn

A person who withdraws an application for international protection loses the right to service 3 days after withdrawing his/her application.

The Directorate of Labour may delay the cancellation of services if the person concerned applies for assistance for voluntary return.

Residence permits and work permits issued on a temporary basis

When an individual is issued a temporary residence permit and a work permit, the right to service by the Directorate of Labour is suspended 4 weeks after the permit is issued.

If an individual has a family, the person concerned may be entitled to continue to stay in housing provided by the Directorate of Labour. Payment of the total family's food and living allowance will however be cancelled after 4 weeks from the issue of the permit.