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Au pair permit

Residence permit for au pair


The applicant and the host family must complete a written contract issued by the Directorate of Immigration.

Tasks at the host household

The au pair's tasks in the home of the host family may be childcare, accompanying children to and from school and leisure activities, and housework, i.e. easy cleaning, simple cooking and light shopping.

Au pairs are not to take care of chronically ill children or other individuals in a similar position.

Working time

The working time of an au pair may not exceed 30 hours per week or 5 hours per day. The work shall be performed during daytime working hours and longer working hours may not be negotiated. Au pairs are not to perform night work, taking care of children in the night is considered night work.

Au pairs are entitled to one day off per week and at least one weekend off per month.  After 26 weeks of work with a host family, the au pair is entitled to a week-long holiday during which the au pair may reside in a different place from the family.

Termination of contract

Both the au pair and the host family may terminate the contract on grounds of default by one party or on grounds of other serious circumstances, for example illness that affects the au pair or the host family.

If either the au pair or the host family terminates the contract before the placement period is over, the contract shall be terminated in writing. The party that terminated the contract shall notify the Directorate of Immigration of this by submitting a special form. The termination of an placement contract takes effect when it has been made known to the other contractual party.

If an au pair enters into a new contract with another host family the contract shall be submitted to the Directorate of Immigration along with documents on secure means of support from the new host family.

The au pair is advised to turn to the Directorate of Immigration or the police if he/she needs assistance.

Travel expenses

The host family and the au pair shall agree on the payment of travel expenses to and from Iceland. An agreement may be made on the host family paying the travel expenses in full or in part. The host family, however, shall pay half of the travel expenses as a minimum.

The host family pays full travel expenses

  • If the family terminates the contract without the au pair being in default.

  • If the au pair is unable to honor the contract due to illness or accident.

  • If the au pair terminates the contract on grounds of default or misconduct by the host family.

If the au pair leaves the placement at own initiative, the au pair shall pay the travel expenses if the termination of placement is not due to default by the host family.

In the event of a dispute between the host family and the au pair regarding travel expenses, following the termination of the placement agreement (whether it’s reimbursement of costs paid by either party before the placement or foreseeable costs due to the au pair's return home), the Directorate of Immigration does not have means to collect any alleged claims of one or both parties. If the host family and the au pair cannot reach an agreement on their claims, they can refer their case to Icelandic courts for a ruling to resolve such a civil dispute.

Residence permit for au pair