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Announce disposal of X-ray equipment

When equipment or installations that emit ionizing radiation are finally taken out of use, the Ministry of Radiation Safety shall be notified of the disposal.


To fill in a notification you must have available information about the licensee:

  • device owner

    • name and ID number

  • address

Information about devices:

  • type

  • type

  • producer

  • location of the device

  • GRE number of device (for example, in monitoring reports from the Icelandic Radiation Safety Authority)

Disposal of X-ray equipment

When disposing of X-ray equipment, the following points must be kept in mind to ensure that they are not harmful and that their disposal is in accordance with laws and regulations:

  • The instructions provided by the device manufacturer should be followed including information on any special precautions and hazards associated with the disposal of the device. (cf. Regulation 892/2004 on medical devices, Annex 1, Article 13.6.). If no such guidance exists, the guidance in the following sections must be followed.

  • Inactivate the X-ray system by disconnecting/removing the X-ray tube(s) of the device and/or disconnecting/removing its electrical connector cables.

  • X-ray tubes, transformers and electronic equipment may contain metals classified as hazardous and should be disposed of accordingly, in consultation with the appropriate receptionist. Chemicals and Fura ehf. handle the pre-processing of electronics due to hazardous materials.

  • The stresses of X-ray equipment manufactured before 1979 may contain the deteriorating agent PCB (Polychlorinated Biphenyl). Information on the year of manufacture should be on the device or in the data from the manufacturer. Because measurement of PCB content is costly, it is important that information of this kind is supplied.

  • Some X-ray tubes used by equipment, especially those used in industry, may contain the chemical spillage Berillium. It can be assumed that all X-ray tubes will be treated as hazardous materials as a result.

X-ray equipment may be disposed of after pre-processing as scrap.

When disposing of an X-ray tube, care should be taken not to dismantle the lamp, nor to break the lamp. The lamp is vacuum-sealed and can cause accidents if it breaks.

X-ray detectors are not radioactive and are not dangerous if not electrically connected.

Parties receiving disposal equipment include:

Icelandic Radiation Safety Authoroty

Contact us

Telephone: 440 8200


Opening hours

All weekdays from 9 to 12 and 13 to 15


Rauðarárstígur 10

105 Reykjavík

ID number: 540286-1169