Support for NGO's afforestation projects
As the designated entity representing the Icelandic Government, Land and Forest Iceland assumes the responsibility of fostering connections and providing assistance to non-governmental organisations (NGOs) engaged in specific afforestation initiatives. The Vorviður project aligns with the government's Climate Action Plan, aiming to enhance land utilisation for climate-related objectives. It is important to note that in 2025, the support will be exclusively in the form of tree seedlings of the main species used in Icelandic afforestation projects.
Objectives and criteria
The primary objective of this initiative is to bolster the collaborative efforts between Land and Forest Iceland and diverse NGOs across the nation. This collaboration will provide these organisations with the opportunity to engage in carbon sequestration through their own forestry endeavors. Priority will be accorded to companies that utilise land already designated for planned forestry activities.
In the current year, the support provided is limited to the allocation of forest seedlings. NGOs are required to submit applications for the grant to Land and Forest Iceland, the entity responsible for managing this project. As outlined in the established rules of procedure, separate applications must be submitted for each year. The deadline for submitting project applications is April 13, 2025.
Priority will be given to companies that operate on already designated forestry land.
The support is exclusively intended for general and community organisations.
Companies and public institutions or companies (hf., ehf., sf., ohf.) are not eligible for this support.
The support consists solely of the allocation of forest seedlings.
The NGOs apply for support to Land and forest Iceland, which is responsible for managing this project.
Applications must be submitted annually as stipulated in the rules of procedure.
The deadline for applications for projects in 2025 is 13 April.
Further details, instructions and individual criteria for the awards can be found below.
Further details and allocation rules
The target group is public associations or organisations.
Associations seeking support from Land and Forest Iceland for their projects must submit their applications by 13 April, 2024. An electronic application form is available on this page (in Icelandic). The following information must be included in the application:
Name (and, if applicable, ID number) address, telephone number and e-mail address of the company and the company's representative or contact person.
The afforestation site, location and geography (description with picture or map).
The site's position in local land-planning and any protection clauses.
Estimated size of project, size of planting plot, number of plants and plant species requested.
Information on ownership of or possession of land.
Support criteria
The deadline for applications is April 13th 2025 and by May 1st the project manager will inform applicants of the allocation for 2025.
An NGO that receives support will enter into a one-year agreement with Land and Forest. The agreement will include guidelines on species selection and cultivation.
The applicant must confirm that they have the landowner's permission for the project and that it does not conflict with any protection clauses according to national law or the planning plan of the local authority concerned.
The land must be protected from grazing.
The available tree species have been assessed as suitable for effective carbon sequestration in Iceland.
In 2025, seedlings of all the main tree species used in Icelandic afforestation projects will be available.
Priority for support
The primary considerations in prioritising the projects are the safety of the planted seedlings, particularly with respect to grazing, and the capacity of the respective NGOs to effectively execute the proposed initiatives.
Larger land areas that are already designated for forestry and safeguarded for grazing or areas within such entities, such as areas within forestry areas of municipalities or other entities.
Larger private land areas protected from grazing.
Smaller areas (at least 1 hectare) protected from grazing.
Areas not protected from grazing are not considered.
Leisure plots are not considered.
Non-profit organisations without additional forestry funding, such as charities and hobbyist groups.
Informal groups without additional forestry funding, such as workplace associations.
Companies with access to alternative forestry funding, such as forestry associations.
Companies and public institutions or companies (hf., ehf., sf., ohf.) are not eligible.
Settlement of contract
Before October 15th, the beneficiaries submit a project report on a pre-made form, including the outline of the new forest, coordinated with a special app or drawn into aerial photograph.
The forest plant trays should be returned to the place of delivery as soon as possible after planting.
About Project Management and the role of Project Manager
Land and Forest Iceland has designated a dedicated project manager to oversee the successful execution of the project. The project manager's primary responsibilities include receiving applications, conducting thorough reviews, evaluating submissions, and allocating plants. Additionally, the project manager plays a crucial role in educating and advising grant recipients, ensuring their understanding of the project's objectives and guidelines. Furthermore, the project manager diligently monitors the progress of each project, receiving implementation reports and verifying that all work has been completed in accordance with the established rules and regulations. The project manager's recommendations for annual allocations are subject to approval by Land and Forest Iceland.

Service provider
Land and Forest Iceland