Marine engineer´s training
If there is difference between the Icelandic version and the English, the Icelandic version is valid.
In order to be issued with a Marine engineer´s certificate under Act No. 82/2022 on Ship Crews, an applicant must have met the requirements of regulation 944/2020 regarding age, education, seagoing service and health.
Marine engineer´s training programmes are available at the following schools which operate under the Act No. 92/2008 on Upper Secondary Schools:
Technical College (Tækniskólinn) - Marine engineering education A-D (core school)
Akureyri Comprehensive College (Verkmenntaskólinn á Akureyri) - Marine engineering education A-D
Suðurnes Comprehensive College (Fjölbrautaskóli Suðurnesja) - Marine engineering education.
The Upper Secondary School of Austur Skaftafellssýsla (Framhaldsskólinn í Austur-Skaftafellssýslu) - Marine engineering education A og B
The Upper Secondary School of Westman Islands (Framhaldsskólinn í Vestmannaeyjum) - vMarine engineering education A and Marine engineering education B.
Austurland´s Vocational School (Verkmenntaskóli Austurlands) - Marine engineering education B
Ísafjörður High School (Menntaskólinn á Ísafirði) - Marine engineering education A and marine engineering B
North West Comprehensive college at Sauðárkrókur (Fjölbrautaskóli Norðurlands vestra, Sauðárkróki) - Marine engineering education A and Marine engineering education B

Service provider
The Icelandic Transport Authority