On the educational and training system for seamen in Iceland
If there is difference between the Icelandic version and the English, the Icelandic version is valid.
Upper secondary schools and educational institutes are responsible for education and training of ship crews. Maritime safety training for seamen is provided by the Maritime Safety and Survival Training Centre (MSSTC), and the school's curriculum is confirmed by the Minister in charge of transport affairs. The admission requirements required for the acquisition of certain certificates are subject to Act No. 82/2022 on ship crews, the Act on secondary schools in Iceland and regulations issued on the basis of the acts.
The Icelandic Transport Authority may grant educational institutions, which have an operating licence from the education authorities and are not considered secondary schools, a permit to offer small-vessel course, provided that they fulfil requirements regarding teaching facilities, equipment, competence of teachers and assessment.
The Icelandic Transport Authority shall monitor that small-vessel training courses comply with the requirements of the curriculum and provide an opinion on the curricula of secondary schools and the training institutes responsible for the education and training of ship crews.
The curricula of secondary schools and educational institutions shall meet requirements as specified in relevant international Conventions.
Refresher training
Certificates must be renewed every five years and the applicant must meet certain requirements stipulated in Act No. 82/2022 on Ship Crews concerning health, seagoing service for the last 5 years, refresher training, etc.
Act No. 82/2022 on Ship Crews.
Act No. 92/2008 on Upper Secondary Schools.
Act No. 33/1991 on Maritime Safety and Survival Training Centre.
Regulation No. 944/2020 on Certificates of Competency for masters, deck officers and marine engineer officers serving on board fishing vessels, coast guard vessels and other vessels.
Regulation No. 676/2015 on Education Training and Certification of Seafarers

Service provider
The Icelandic Transport Authority