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Tobacco Use - Statistics

Tobacco Surveys

-Automatic translation

Annually, a survey is conducted by the Directorate of Health on smoking and tobacco use among adults in Iceland. Gallup has conducted these surveys since 2004.

Surveys on smoking and tobacco use in Iceland were conducted consistently between 1989-2015. Three to four surveys were conducted yearly, and the results were summarized in one annual report. The surveys were initially conducted by telephone, but from 2011, experiments were done with online surveys.

Since 2016, smoking and tobacco use monitoring has been part of the Public Health Watch, a monthly monitoring of some of the main determinants of health and well-being. Gallup conducts the Public Health Watch for the Directorate of Health with a random sample of 18 years and older from Gallup's panel group.

Further information

The development of tobacco use in Iceland. Published 2016 (Icelandic)