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STCW International Convention

-This is an AI generated translation of the text in Icelandic. If there is any difference between the Icelandic and the English text, the Icelandic version is valid.

The STCW International Convention is concerned with the training, certification and watchkeeping of seafarers and has Iceland been a Party to that Convention since 1995.

The Convention provides for uniform standards of competence for masters, officers and seafarers in watchkeeping on board merchant ships. Furthermore, the Convention contains provisions on officers in good watchkeeping on board merchant ships.

The IMO issues guidance to administrations and training organisations on training to promote consistency with the requirements for certification issuers.

Issuance of certificates

The Icelandic Transport Agency issues international certificates of competency - STCW certificates and endorsements under the Act on the crews of Icelandic passenger ships and cargo ships.

Laws and rules