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STCW certificates for seafarers on passengers and cargo ships

Application for STCW certificate

If there is difference between the Icelandic version and the English, the Icelandic version is valid.

An STCW Certificate is an international certificate for service on board passenger and cargo ships, in accordance with international obligations under the STCW Convention. The Icelandic Transport Authority issues, endorses and maintains a register of certificates for seafarers in accordance with the Act on Ship Crews.

  • Only the lawful holder of a certificate has the right to carry out the functions for which the certificate provides.

  • A crew member shall always be able to present any certificates when performing his duties.

Application process and supporting documentation

Those who intend to apply for an international certificate to serve on board passenger and cargo ships must complete a digital application.

The following documents must accompany the application before it is processed:

  1. Valid seafarer's medical certificate(pdf) by a recognised seafarer's physician.

  2. Recent image of passport size - digital

  3. Sample of handwriting(pdf).

  4. Confirmation of payment for the certificate.

  5. Confirmation of having completed the required courses at the Maritime Safety and Survival Training Centre.

  6. Documentation on the required seagoing service (in case seagoing service abroad, Sea Service Book or verification of seagoing service from a ship operator).

  7. A copy of the diploma from the relevant school (if you apply for the first time after completing your studies).

  8. Copy of GMDSS; GOC or ROC valid (only for deck officers).

The documentation may be sent electronically as accompanying documents to the application. Documentation can also be sent to the e-mail address or by post addressed to Icelandic Transport, Ármúli 2, 108 Reykjavík.


The Icelandic Transport Authority aims to process certificates within 12 working days of receiving all documentation. An application is only processed when a fee has been paid. Applicants may request to have the document sent by mail or collected from the Office of the Icelandic Transport Authority.


The fees for an application for the issue and/or renewal of a certificate of competency or proficiency for service on board passenger and cargo ships (STCW) are according to the tariff of the Icelandic Transport Authority.

Increased requirements due to changes in regulations

Legal basis
  • The certificates are issued by the Icelandic Transport Authority in accordance with the Act on Ship Crews and the Regulation on Education Training and Certification of Seafarers and are valid for service on passenger and cargo ships registered in States listed on the  the white list from the International Maritime Organization(IMO) that are compliant with the requirements in the STCW-convention.

  • Act No. 82/2022 on Ship Crews

  • Regulation No. 676/2015 on Education Training and Certification of Seafarers.

Application for STCW certificate