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Keep Icelandic social security while working abroad

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Work in an EEA country

The conditions are different depending on whether you are an employee or self-employed.


You are covered by the Icelandic social security system, if your employer sends you to an EEA country for work for up to 2 years.

You and your employer must meet the following conditions:

  • The duration of the stay is not expected to exceed 2 years.

  • You work in another EEA country or for an Icelandic employer.

  • You have been insured by the Icelandic social security system before the stay. For example, if you lived and worked in Iceland before the stay.

  • You have been insured by the Icelandic social security system before your employment, if it was clear at the time of employment that the work would be performed in another EEA country.

  • Your employer usually has its operations in Iceland and hires its staff in Iceland.


You are covered by the Icelandic social security system, if you work independently and send yourself to an EEA country for work for up to 2 years.

You must meet the following conditions:

  • Duration is not expected to last for more than 2 years.

  • You have been running the company for at least 2 months before the stay.

  • You maintain everything necessary to operate a business in Iceland. For example, you may be required to have a place of business or an office in Iceland, pay taxes in Iceland, have an Icelandic license and continue to be registered as a VAT-tax payer in Iceland while working abroad.

If your stay is suspended

If your posting is suspended for a maximum of 2 months, for example due to holidays, illness or education, the posting will continue as before.

If your posting is suspended for more than 2 months, you must send a new request to maintain insurance in the Icelandic social security system.