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Accidents - Statistics

Registration of Accidents

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Statistics on accidents are based on data in the Accident Register. Formal registration in the Accident Register began in 2001 and ended in the autumn of 2022. The goal of the register was to coordinate the registration of accidents and provide an overview of their number, causes and consequences so that it would be possible to influence these same factors. The aim of the accident register was also to facilitate scientific research on accidents.

The accident register contains standard information on accidents with injuries and damage in road traffic accidents. Only minimal information was recorded on the accident and the injured individual, such as the type of accident, the municipality, timing, gender and age.

The Directorate of Health keeps the accident register and is based on the Medical Director of Health and Public Health Act.

Accident statistics should be seen as a certain approximation to the total coverage of accidents in Iceland, primarily because the number of registrants increased over time, which may have influenced the number of registered accidents.

The registration of accidents is currently under revision.