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Hospitals and Premises of Self-employed Healthcare Practitioner - Statistics

On Hospital Statistics and Statistics of Self-employed Healthcare Practitioners

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Statistics on the use of hospital services

Statistics on the use of hospital services are based on the Hospital Discharge Register. The register was established in 2003 and contains hospital utilisation data.

The Hospital Discharge Register can be used to monitor the extent and use of the services, the frequency of diseases, and for comparison between institutions and countries.

The register is based on the Medical Director of Health and Public Health Act.

Statistics on surgical procedures

The Directorate of Health collects and processes surgical procedure data from various health service sources. According to the decision of the Medical Director of Health, the Nordic Classification of Surgical Procedures (NCSP-IS) shall be used for the registration of procedures.

Data on hospital surgical procedures is collected in the Hospital Discharge Register. Information on procedures performed in primary health care is contained in the Register of Primary Health Care Contacts. In addition to these two registries, the Directorate of Health maintains a Register of Terminations of Pregnancy.

Health registers