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Medical and rehabilitation allowance

Amounts and free income limits

Information on new amounts of sickness and rehabilitation allowance

The sickness and rehabilitation allowance consists of basic and additional allowance.


per month

per year

Medical and rehabilitation allowance

396.340 ISK

4.756.080 ISK

Home allowance

65.709 ISK

788.508 ISK

New free-flow thresholds

The general freehold for medical and rehabilitation payments in the new system will be ISK 480,000 per year. Along with a special freehold for employment income of ISK 1,920,000 per year.

The general freehold shall cover all income of the payment recipient that affects his payments to the Social Insurance Administration, including salary income, pension fund income and capital income.


per month

per year

General free-income limit

40.000 ISK

480.000 ISK

Free income limit for employment

160.000 ISK

1,920,000 ISK