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The Í App

Sign language teaching for children

All children with hearing impairment and other ÍTM children, as well as their family members, have a legally protected right to learn Icelandic sign language.

The Centre for Communication provides ÍTM children, their parents/guardians and other close family members with ÍTM teaching for free, as well as giving advice on language acquisition and language development.

Anyone who needs sign language should have the opportunity to learn and use ÍTM as soon as language acquisition begins, or from the time that deafness, hearing loss or combined visual and hearing loss has been diagnosed.

Sign language learning does not depend on referrals from a doctor or institution.

Practical information

Main information about the teaching arrangements:

  • individually, according to the age and circumstances of the child

  • suitable times and dates are found in consultation with the child's parents or guardians.

  • is free of charge to the child and its family members

  • takes place at the home of the child or at the Centre for Communication

To get more information, call or visit the Communication Centre during opening hours.

Events organized by the Communication Center for the Deaf and Deaf Centre

The Communication Center for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Contact us

Tel: 562 7702 / 562 7738

Interpreting service:

Sign language classes:


Office SHH

Open Monday to Thursday from 9 am to 3 pm and Friday from 9 am to 12 am

In case of emergency call 112


Laugavegur 166, 5th. floor
105 Reykjavík

Location on map


Contact us

Tel: 562 7702 / 562 7738

Interpreting service:

Sign language classes:


Office SHH

Open Monday to Thursday from 9 am to 3 pm and Friday from 9 am to 12 am

In case of emergency call 112


Laugavegur 166, 5th. floor
105 Reykjavík

Location on map
