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The Í App

Sign language courses

The Centre for the Communication of Deaf and Deaf People offers courses in Icelandic Sign Language to the general public, thereby contributing to the general knowledge of ÍTM in the community.

Family members of any children that use ÍTM, have the legal right to learn the language free of charge.


  • Each course is 30 hours.

  • Each and every course is advertised separately.

Sign language teaching

Course registration

Information that needs to be provided:

  • Full name

  • E-mail address

  • Personal ID number

  • Are you connected to ÍTM speaking person, then you can tick in the relevant box and the course will be free of charge.

  • Select a course from the list.

  • Send

When the registration is complete a confirmation email will be sent.

Registration for courses in Icelandic sign language


Daytime course is ISK 39.750 and evening course is ISK 49.700

An payment slip for the cost is sent through an online bank.

Many trade unions refund these courses, you can check with your union.


The courses are held at the Communication Centre for the Deaf and Deaf at

Laugavegur 166, level 5, 105 Reykjavík.

Location on map

The Communication Center for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Contact us

Tel: 562 7702 / 562 7738

Interpreting service:

Sign language classes:


Office SHH

Open Monday to Thursday from 9 am to 3 pm and Friday from 9 am to 12 am

In case of emergency call 112


Laugavegur 166, 5th. floor
105 Reykjavík

Location on map


Contact us

Tel: 562 7702 / 562 7738

Interpreting service:

Sign language classes:


Office SHH

Open Monday to Thursday from 9 am to 3 pm and Friday from 9 am to 12 am

In case of emergency call 112


Laugavegur 166, 5th. floor
105 Reykjavík

Location on map
