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Inspections of ships and boats

Request for inspection of vessel and equipment

This is a translation of the text in Icelandic. If there is any difference between the Icelandic and the English text, the Icelandic version is valid.

For vessels to maintain seaworthiness, they should be periodically inspected. Inspections shall be conducted yearly according to the vessel´s anniversary date. More detailed information about the inspection arrangement and explanations about the anniversary date and inspection windows can be found on the webpage Inspection arrangement.

Unclassified ships

The Icelandic Transport Authority and certified inspection bodies conduct the inspections of vessels that are not classed at a classification society. Vessels must go through inspections according to the length and type of the vessels but the most common inspections are the following surveys:

  • equipment survey

  • radio communications equipment survey

  • hull survey

  • survey of the hull, both in dry dock and in harbour

  • hull thickness measurements

  • engine and electrical survey

  • shaft and rudder survey

Classified ships

Classified vessels must undergo surveys conducted by the classification societies to maintain its class but must additionally go through the same inspections such as unclassed vessels. According to agreements between the Icelandic Transport Authority and the classification societies, the classification societies are also responsible for conducting those surveys. For more information relating to surveys of classed vessels, it is advised to contact the classification societies directly.

Legal basis

Request for inspection of vessel and equipment

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