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Rules about taxis

Parties in charge of the implementation of the law on taxis

The following is a summary of the main parties that are responsible for the implementation of the law on taxis.


Manages taxi driving according to the law.

The Icelandic Transport Authority

Manages the implementation of the law and government orders issued pursuant to it. Its scope of work includes, among other things, the issuing of taxi driving permits and taxi operating permits, supervision of permit holders and conducting courses. The Transport Authority is also in charge of running an electronic database, which must, among other things, store information about who has a permit, the registration number of a taxi that is subject to an operating permit, etc.

The Housing- and Infrastructure Agency 

Handles the legalization of taxi meters and their supervision according to the Act on Measurements, Measurement Bases and Weighers.

The Consumer Agency

Monitors the price information of taxi services.

The Police

Violations of the provisions of the law can be investigated by the police, either on the initiative of the police or following a previous complaint to the Icelandic Transport Authority.

The police are authorized at any time to stop vehicles that are covered by the law and check how the transport is being carried out and whether it is in accordance with the provisions of the law.

Permit holders are obliged to comply with the instructions of the police in connection with their supervision. If it is a permit required transport that takes place without the required permit, the police may order the vehicle to be stopped.
