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Registration of ships and boats on the Icelandic Ship Registry

Registration of ships and boats to the ship register

If there is any difference between the Icelandic and the English text, the Icelandic version is valid.

Ships and boats shall be registered on the Icelandic Ship Registry as soon as they become a property of an Icelandic party and and they fulfil one of the following:

  • New buildings

  • Used and imported

  • Have been modified and re-registration is required accordingly

All vessels 6 meters and longer are required to be registered. Vessels shorter than 6 meters, which are to be used in commercial operations, are also required to be registered.


Registering a ship in the ship register and issuing certificates is the final step in the approval process of a ship. See more information on newbuilding and imports.

The owner of a vessel is responsible for the registration.

Right to register a ship on the Icelandic Ship Registry

Ships in Iceland owned by Icelandic citizens, Icelandic legal entities domiciled in Iceland, nationals of other states of the European Economic Area, nationals of member states of the European Free Trade Association and Faroese citizens may be registered on the Icelandic Ship Registry.

Special rules apply to the ownership of fishing vessels.

Supporting documentation:

  • Ship construction certificate or certificate of ownership (required to be registered if a vessel is 5 GT in size or over)

  • Declaration of foreign parties' share in a limited company (if a public limited company is the owner of a vessel and foreign parties are among shareholders, a declaration of the size of their shareholding shall be submitted)

  • For new registration of ships an hourly fee a shall be paid in accordance with the tariff of the Icelandic Transport Authority.

  • Travel costs - a member of the Transport Agency's staff must travel for work in connection with the approval of ships. Travel costs shall be paid in accordance with the

  • A fixed fee shall be paid on certificates in accordance with the tariff.

Registration of ships and boats to the ship register