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Registration in health services

Quality managers

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In 2012, the Directorate of Health requested that each healthcare institution and medical office designate a quality manager for the recording of health information at their institution/medical office. Good responses were made to this request, and quality managers from all health institutions and most medical offices have been nominated.

Role of quality manager

  • Is the health institution's/medical office's point of contact with the Directorate of Health on matters concerning the quality of registration of health information.

  • Promotes that registration in the medical record is by the provisions of law, regulations, and recommendations on the minimum recording.

  • Communicates and implements processes related to standards and coordinated registration, e.g. by regular instruction to all employees who record medical records.

  • Forwards suggestions from the Directorate of Health on improvements regarding registration.

  • Takes care of internal audit of the quality of registration by the provisions of law and regulations.

  • Communicates information to the Directorate of Health on the need for support regarding guidelines on coordinated registration in health services.

Quality managers of health institutions and medical offices meet regularly with the Directorate of Health. One of the group's first tasks was to coordinate principles and guidelines for registration in medical records, revise templates and prepare instruction checklists.