Purchasing healthcare services
What services are subject to a contract
75200000-8 Services to the community
75231200-6 Services for detention or rehabilitation of criminals
75231240-8 Probation supervision services
79611000-0 Job search assistance
79622000-0 Provision of personnel for domestic help
79624000-4 Provision of nursing staff
79625000-1 Provision of health personnel
85000000-9 Health and social services
85100000-0 Health services
85111300-3 Services of gynecologists in hospitals
85111310-6 IVF services
85111320-9 Services of obstetricians in hospitals
85111400-4 Rehabilitation services in hospitals
85111500-5 Psychiatric services in hospitals
85111600-6 Prosthetic services
85111700-7 Oxygen therapy
85112000-7 Support services for hospitals
85112100-8 Bedding services for hospitals
85112200-9 Outpatient care services
85121000-3 Medical services
85121200-5 Services of medical doctors
85121210-8 Gynecological or obstetric services
85121220-1 Specialist services for kidney or nervous system diseases
85121230-4 Specialist services for cardiology or pulmonology
85121231-1 Cardiology services
85121232-8 Pulmonology services
85121240-7 Services for ear, nose and throat diseases or hearing tests
85121250-0 Services for digestive diseases and geriatric medicine
85121251-7 Services for digestive diseases
85121252-4 Geriatric medicine services
85121270-6 Services of psychiatrists or psychologists
85121271-3 Services at homes for the mentally ill
85121280-9 Services of ophthalmologists, dermatologists or orthopedic surgeons
85121281-6 Eye specialist services
85121282-3 Services of dermatology specialists
85121283-0 Services of orthopedic surgeons
85121290-2 Services of pediatric or urological specialists
85121291-9 Services of pediatricians
85121292-6 Services of urologists
85121300-6 Services of surgeons
85130000-9 Dentistry and related services
85131000-6 Dentistry
85131100-7 Orthodontics
85131110-0 Orthodontic surgery
85140000-2 Miscellaneous health services
85141000-9 Services of health professionals
85141100-0 Midwifery services
85141200-1 Nursing services
85141210-4 Housekeeping and home care
85141211-1 Membrane dialysis in homes
85141220-7 Consulting services for nurses
85142000-6 Paramedic services
85142100-7 Physiotherapist services
85142200-8 Micro-dose medical services
85142300-9 Cleaning services
85142400-0 Home delivery of products for use in promiscuity
85143000-3 Ambulance transport
85144000-0 Health services in nursing homes
85144100-1 Nursing in residential homes
85145000-7 Medical laboratory services
85146000-4 Blood bank services
85146100-5 Sperm banking services
85146200-6 Organ bank services
85147000-1 Health services in companies
85148000-8 Medical diagnostic services
85149000-5 Pharmacist services
85160000-8 Services of opticians
85170000-1 Services of acupuncturists and acupuncturists
85171000-8 Acupuncture medical services
85172000-5 Chiropractic services
85200000-1 Veterinary services
85210000-3 Livestock breeding
85300000-2 Social counseling and related services
85310000-5 Social work services
85311000-2 Social services with a stay in an institution or home
85311100-3 Welfare services for the elderly
85311200-4 Welfare services for the disabled
85311300-5 Welfare services for children and young people
85312000-9 Social work without a stay in an institution
85312100-0 Day care services
85312110-3 Daycare for children
85312120-6 Day care for disabled children and young people
85312200-1 Home delivery of food products
85312300-2 Guidance and consultancy services
85312310-5 Guidance services
85312320-8 Consulting
85312330-1 Family plans
85312400-3 Welfare services, not provided by residential institutions
85312500-4 Rehabilitation services
85312510-7 Work-related rehabilitation
85320000-8 Social services
85321000-5 Administration in the field of social services
85322000-2 Action plans by municipalities
85323000-9 Health care provided by municipalities
98133100-5 Membership service is work for the common good and a better society
98133000-4 Non-profit organization services
98200000-5 Equal opportunity consultancy services
98500000-8 Private home with paid staff
98513000-2 Personnel agency for households
98513100-3 Household replacement services
98513200-4 Office services for households
98513300-5 People in temporary work for households
98513310-8 Home care
98514000-9 Domestic help
Special rules apply to services under article 1 of regulation no 1000/2016.
It essentially implies that for the purchase of specific services pursuant to the regulation, it is sufficient to advertise the procurement in advance with a pre-publication notice. The pre-publication notice shall specifically refer to the type of service for which the contracts are to be awarded. It shall state that the contracts will be awarded without further publication and invite interested parties to express their interest in writing. The period covered by the pre-publication notice shall be no more than 36 months from the date of the notice is sent for publication. While pre-publication may be used, a specific tender may also be advertised and the procurement procedures provided by the law may be chosen at will.
Note that many more types of services are listed in the Regulation no. 1000/2016 on procurement that are covered by social services and other specific services and you can find the numbers and explanations in the procurement dictionary (CPV).

Service provider
Iceland Health