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International protection for spouse of a refugee

Residence permit and protection application for a refugee's spouse


A spouse who is a refugee in Iceland must fulfill these requirements

  • The spouse in Iceland must either have a residence permit as a refugee on grounds of international protection or subsidiary protection.

    • If a spouse in Iceland has a residence permit on grounds of subsidiary protection, his/her permit must have been renewed once before family reunification with the person concerned can be applied for. An exception may apply:

      • If compelling reasons of fairness so recommend, because of urgent care considerations.

      • If the spouse in Iceland has held a residence permit for one year, has been actively participating in the labour market for eight months, meets the requirements of secure means of support, meets the requirements of Icelandic knowledge and has available housing for the family members who intend to come here.

Requirements that applicant and marital spouse in Iceland must fulfil

  • The couple married before the spouse who is a refugee in Iceland applied for international protection in Iceland.

  • Both parties were 18 years or older when they married.

  • Both parties attended the wedding.

Requirements that applicant and cohabiting spouse in Iceland must fulfill

  • Both parties were 18 years or older when cohabitation started.

  • Cohabitation had lasted for one year or more before the parties became separated.

Grounds for permit refusal

Residence permit and protection application for a refugee's spouse